The reason for that is simple. Eastchester Town government has worked under Colavita’s leadership. The residents of the Town demand that their tax dollars are watched and not wasted, but also that services in the town are kept to the highest standards.
Colavita gets it and gets the job done. Under Colavita, the Town of Eastchester remains one of the remaining republican local governments in Westchester.
In 2021, Colavita and the Town Board became the first local government in Westchester to ‘Opt-Out’ of permitting legal marijuana dispensiaries and cafes in their community. All five members of the Eastchester Town Board are repubilcans and we endorse the candidacy’s of the republican Town Board members seeking re-election with Supervisor Colavita; Luigi Marcoccia and Teresa Nicholson.
The Town of Eastchester has consistently been cited as one of the best places to live, in part because of the balance that Colavita and the Town Board have been able to find between raising property taxes and delivering town services.
That is the reason for Colavita’s longevity, and it is the reason why we endorse him for re-election again. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it Eastchester!
We strongly believe in the two party system of government, and the importance of having a choice when you go into the polls to vote. Tony Colavita has become the senior republican statesman in Westchester County, and this newspaper is proud to endorse candidates, and good public servants, from both sides of the aisle.