We recently read a headline from a local newspaper in Yorktown, “Diana Declines to Debate Opponent.” The headline refers to the race for Yorktown Town Board, between republican Donna Diana, and democrat Susan Siegel, in a Special Election on July 23. This headline was unfair, because it gave Diana name recognition, while omitting Siegel.
The Yorktown Democrats got the headline right when they wrote “Donna Diana Backs Down on Debating Susan Siegel.”
Donna Diana is the widow of former Town Supervisor Tom Diana who recently passed away. While we applaud her courage to step forward and continue her family’s service to the Town of Yorktown, we were disappointed in her decision not to debate Siegel, and the decision by the Yorktown Republicans to make excuses for there not being a debate.
The Northern Westchester League of Women Voters wrote, “On June 7th, I reached out to Donna Diana, the Yorktown Republicans and Kevin Byrnes to set up a candidate forum moderated by the League. No one ever replied to my emails.”
Another excuse given was that the Yorktown State Theater was unavailable, as if there was no other place to hold a debate. But we understand the reluctance by Yorktown republicans to debate Susan Siegel. If elected, she will immediately become the hardest working and most knowledgeable member of Town government.
Despite being out of government for several years, Siegel has been a familiar face at Town Board meetings, asking questions and making suggestions about how town government can be more effective and open to the public.
Siegel has served as Town Supervisor and on the Town Board that she is seeking to rejoin, so she will hit the ground running if elected. Experience matters, and as another local paper noted, Republican Supervisor Ed Lachterman cited his experience as a reason for his election last year. Siegel has that experience, Diana does not.
Some take Siegel’s constant presence at Town Board meetings, and her continued questions and letters to the editor, as a nuisance. We disagree, and so should the voters and taxpayers in Yorktown, who should want a watchdog at the table with a unmatched knowledge of how Town government works and should work.
I grew up in Yorktown, and my mother lived in town for 50 years. During her half-century in Yorktown, she enjoyed and appreciatated Susan Siegel for her committment to public service, energy, intelligence and her dedication to the Town that she loves. We sill have relatives in Yorktown, who will never forget the disaster that was the decision to use a failed garbage company to try and save a couple of tax dollars.
We also appreciate the continued committment that Susan Siegel gives to her town, and trust that she will make the residents proud if elected. And who better to put in “the room where it happens” with four other republicans?
Westchester Rising and Yonkerstimes.com endorses Susan Siegel for Yorktown Town Board. The special election is July 23, with early voting on Thurs: 12-8, Fri: 8-4, Sat & Sun: 10-6, at the Yorktown Community and Cultural Center, and the Jefferson Village Annex.
Dan Murphy, Editor