Feiner for Greenburgh Supervisor Also Deserves Your Vote
Voters in Mt. Vernon will be going to the polls to elect a new mayor Nov. 5 and through early voting. The democratic nominee for mayor is Shawyn Patterson-Howard, and usually in Mt. Vernon, the democratic nominee is the de facto winner after the primary and before Election Day.
But this year is different in Mt. Vernon for several reasons. First, the elected mayor from four years ago, Richard Thomas, resigned as part of a plea deal that keeps him out of jail for election fraud and campaign violations.
Thomas’ interim replacement, Acting Mayor Andre Wallace, is running for on the republican party line and is quietly but actively campaigning. Usually when a democrat loses the democratic primary, they all unite behind the nominee. That is not the case this year.
We endorse Patterson-Howard for mayor because she is exactly what Mt. Vernon City Hall needs: an outsider, free from scandal, and with nothing but the best intentions of serving her city and bringing back stability and respectability back to the officer of mayor.
The next mayor of Mt. Vernon will have to earn the respect of all of Westchester, including county government. Patterson-Howard has already begun that effort, campaigning with County Executive George Latimer and County Legislator Lyndon Williams. Both Latimer and Williams want to work with Mt. Vernon city government on Memorial Field, to once and for all put the mess at the field behind the city and give the people their recreation field back.
But they have to trust the mayor in order to do so, and in order to spend the funds needed to clean up the field and rebuild the stadium and track. Patterson-Howard brings to the office of mayor that trust that county government needs in order to share financial responsibility for Memorial Field.
For those who may not be familiar with Patterson-Howard, take a look at her record running the Yonkers YMCA for many years. She is beloved and trusted and respected by the thousands of people whose lives she has touched at the Yonkers Y. Her integrity in running such an organization does translate into running the City of Mt. Vernon.
But she needs one more thing before she can take office with the respect and power to tell those who have disrespected prior mayors and who were unwilling to work together for the good of their own city: A resounding victory at the polls Nov. 5.
Patterson -Howard needs every vote from the people of Mt. Vernon to show the mandate from the people, that they want good, honest government back. Do not waste your vote on Andre Wallace, the democrat running on the republican line.
Join every other democrat in Mt. Vernon and Westchester who supports Patterson-Howard for mayor. Because the residents of Mt. Vernon and Westchester understand that Mt. Vernon is part of the county, and if the City of Mt. Vernon returns to capable leadership hands, it is good for all of us – most important the people of Mt. Vernon.
We endorse Shawyn Patterson-Howard for mayor of Mt. Vernon.

Westchester Rising also endorses Paul Feiner for re-election as supervisor of Greenburgh on Nov. 5. Feiner is one of the longest-serving town supervisors in Westchester, now completing his 28 years. Feiner’s experience is a positive attribute.
He is innovative, and he is always seeking new ways to tackle old problems. If you want to know what’s on his mind, join his weekly email group, in which he shares his thoughts, or the thoughts of others, on a wide array of issues. Feiner is an open book – to his politics and his life.
He shares his cell phone number on his campaign signs for a reason: He welcomes the discussion about anything, which is something we never see in our elected officials. Most important, Feiner has done a good job as supervisor.
He controls spending and has among the lowest average property tax increases in Westchester over the past decade. At the same time, Feiner has been able to keep and maintain the same level of quality town services that residents and taxpayers expect.
We were intrigued by the independent campaign of Lucas Cioffi. A viable, Independent Party in Westchester, and across the country, would be a welcome addition to our current political discourse, in our view. Cioffi brings a third-party candidacy to the people of Greenburgh, and we applaud him for running and for giving the voters a choice. But Feiner has served the people of Greenburgh and does not warrant to be replaced.
Instead, he deserves another two years to continue his public service. We endorse Paul Feiner, supervisor of Greenburgh on Nov. 5.