We Endorse Michael Sussman for NY Attorney General –“Show Me A Hero” for A.G

Michael Sussman

Cast Your Vote for Candidate, Not Party

Yonkers Rising endorses Michael Sussman for New York attorney general. Sussman, running on the Green Party line, is best known for his legal history as the attorney for the Yonkers NAACP during the desegregation crisis in the city during the 1980s, which was memorialized in the HBO mini-series “Show Me a Hero.”

We endorse Sussman for one reason: We trust that he has the independence to serve all of the people in New York State. Not beholden to either major political party, Sussman might be able to tackle and combat “the corruption tax” that we believe all New Yorkers are forced to pay every year.

Sussman has the integrity and experience to serve, and after the recent disgraceful resignation of former A.G. Eric Schneiderman, we need someone beyond approach, someone who can stand up to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, or Sen. Flanagan, and let the chips fall where they may.

We endorse Michael Sussman for New York attorney general. The election is Nov. 6.