Democratic Primary June 25
Democratic voters in Yonkers have a reason to come out and vote on June 25. First, please realize that for the first time, local primary elections are being held on June 25, having been moved up from September.
The big race in Yonkers is the democratic primary for Mayor. Mayor Mike Spano is running for a third term and is being challenged by Karen Beltran and Ivy Reeves. For the past 8 years under Spano’s leadership, the City affairs have improved on every level measurable.
The Yonkers Public Schools are graduating more students on time, and this year, YPS has seen a record increase in funding from Yonkers, a $12 Million increase in the City’s maintenance of effort, which came from Mayor Spano’s proposed budget.
Crime is down in the City. Development continues at record levels, with $3 Billion in private investment in Yonkers, and 1,000 new jobs created under Spano’s leadership. Unemployment in Yonkers is at its lowest rate in a decade.
Spano’s proposed budgets have been reasonable, and have attempted to fall within the property tax cap. The City’s union contracts have been resolved, and in 7 of his 8 City budgets, Spano has not asked the taxpayers for more than the tax cap.
Spano has also responded to the problems of slumlords and unsafe apartment by cracking down and enforcing building codes to make sure that tenants are safe. Under Mayor Spano, 2,000 units of affordable housing have been created or renovated.
Mayor Spano’s environmental record, which includes successful efforts at water conservation with the installation of new water meters, new electric vehicle charging stations installed, and all streetlights converted to energy efficient LED, is solid Green.
Spano is running on a theme of “Progress, Principles and Pride,” based on his record over the past seven and a half years, and “Let’s keep moving Yonkers forward together,” is the rationale for re-electing Mike Spano as Mayor for another four years.
One only has to look to the City of Mt. Vernon to see how dysfunctional government can become without seeking compromise and having political leaders that want to sit down and work it out.
One of the complaints from some residents was that Mayor Spano was allowed to run for a third term after the City Council voted to extend term limits to allow a third, four-term. That supposed outrage, and opposition to Spano running again never materialized itself in this election, or in the other 2 candidates running for Mayor in the Democratic Primary.
Neither Karen Beltran, or Ivy Reeves, Spano’s two opponents, have provided the media, or the public, their reasons, or critical issues before the people of Yonkers. We have looked and searched for any campaign information from either, or any campaign organization or volunteer base, and found none.
In order to take on any incumbent Mayor of Yonkers, you need a large number of volunteers, campaign dollars, and a reason to run and not to elect the incumbent. We have found none of these three factors in the Mayoral candidacy of either Beltran and Reeves.
Opposing the extension of term limits is not a reason to halt the progress, stability, and ability to work together, and bring all of Yonkers diversity to the table, as Mayor Mike Spano has done. Yonkers Rising endorses Mike Spano for Mayor and yes, to keep Yonkers Moving Forward.