Voters in the 3rd Council District, which runs from Northwest to Southwest Yonkers and up into Park Hill, will be electing a new Council member this year after Council Majority Leader Michael Sabatino did not seek re-election.
The Yonkers Democratic Committee has endorsed former Councilman Dennis Robertson to return to the council and replace Sabatino in the 3rd District. He is running against fellow democrats Tasha Diaz and Subomi Macauley.
We endorse Robertson for several reasons. First, we believe that his experience, both on the council and in city government, will be an asset to the residents of the third district and the entire City of Yonkers. Robertson can ‘hit the ground running’ once elected and use his vast knowledge of city government, the budget and other issues, to the immediate benefit of his constituents.
Second, we appreciate Robertson’s honest, sometime brutal honesty, when discussing almost any issue with anyone. At a recent candidates debate, Robertson said, “I will tell the truth, even when it isn’t what you may want to hear.” We appreciate that type of candor, which we believe is more needed in government now more than ever.
Third we believe that Robertson will continue to move the city forward and work on the council with Mayor Mike Spano. Robertson has worked for Spano for the past four years as a liaison with the city council, which has enabled Robertson to stay abreast of the issues before the council while supporting the Mayor’s agenda. Robertson has stepped down from that position to run for Council, and while supportive of the Mayor’s agenda, will serve as a check and balance and speak out opposed to the Mayor if he sees fit.
Finally, Robertson has welcomed the debate between himself and Tasha Diaz and Subomi Macauley. He has not run away from the debate, nor did he try to remove either from the ballot. He has run a positive campaign based on what he wants to do on the council. Nothing negative about his opponents, which is another pleasant surprise in today’s political climate. He also brings the experience as a small businessman to the council, and 30 years of community service.
We applaud Tasha Diaz and Subomi Macauley for stepping forward and running for office. Both have brought a different viewpoint, and perspective, to the table for this democratic council debate.
But we believe that Robertson’s experience and immediate knowledge of the issues facing Yonkers will best serve the residents of the third district. Yonkers Rising endorses Dennis Robertson for City Council –Third District, in the democratic primary June 25.