T-Shirts, Other Swag Available Supporting Disgraced Governor at wedecidenewyork.com

A group calld We Decide New York is selling t-shirts, sweatshirts, hat and mugs supporting former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo. With their major theme, “Andrew Cuomo was railroaded,” was formed in May to support a full and complete investigation of the allegations of sexual harassment made by 11 different women.
According to published reports, We Decide New York was created by Sandy Behan, a Rochester democrat, who has another Facebook group called Women for Governor Cuomo, which has more than 1,200 members.
Behan said that “We Decide New York,” was a “collaborative group of like-minded individuals supporting candidates and causes which highlight the will of the people.”
But the focus on the items for sale, include a quote from Cuomo on a T-shirt that reads, “I’m not disappearing. I have a voice. I have a perspective. That’s not going to change.”
Another strange photo quote on the website comes from Cuomo attorney Rita Glavin, and is pasted below

The attempts by Cuomo and his attorney to relitigate the accusations made against him by eleven women, which were investigated by NY Attorney General Letitia James, has not, and will not, earn him any favor in the democratic party of New York.
Another continued rumored tossed out is that Cuomo wants to run for office again, despite any apparent interest or support from anyone in the New York Democratic Party. A recent Politico story from reporter Anna Gronewold, titled He’s nuts and he’s got a vendetta’: Cuomo won’t leave New York alone,
“He’s nuts and he’s got a vendetta right now, I wouldn’t put it past him,” about Cuomo running again, said one legislative source. “In a hypothetical four-way race in which Cuomo attempted a comeback, Hochul received 36 percent, James received 24 percent, Cuomo received 19 percent and Williams 9 percent.”
Cuomo’s primary target has been NY Attorney General James. “As far as the former governor is concerned, it’s more of the same to undermine our report, our investigation,” James said. “It’s unfortunate the former governor of the state of New York refuses to take accountability for his own actions and his own conduct. I think he needs to move on.”
The former Governor has the support of his daughter, Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo, 24, who tweeted out an article attacking the sexual harassment scandal that forced Andrew out. “Finally. Please read,” she tweeted Friday. The piece — self-published by independent journalist Michael Tracey on the online platform Substack — accused Letitia James, New York attorney general and gubernatorial candidate, of “seedy machinations” to oust Cuomo, who “almost certainly would never have been defeated in a New York Democratic gubernatorial primary.” according to the NY Post.
But Cuomo’s spokesman, Rich Azzopardi said that Andrew Cuomo is “at peace” — and probably not mounting a run for state attorney general. “There is a ton of idle speculation out there and we can’t control if we continue to take up valuable real estate in a lot of people’s heads,” spokesman Rich Azzopardi said in response to rumors that Cuomo could be eyeing his old job.
“I don’t know what the future holds,” Cuomo said. “I’m at peace. Look, it’s simple: I trust the people and the truth will (win) out.”
The one reason that Cuomo has even a little bit of political capital left is the $18 Million that remain in his campaign account. “This is ludicrous,” one Democratic insider said. “I don’t think he could get elected dog catcher, even with his $18 million.” in NY Magazine article by Hunter Walker.
Walker writes that “In addition to fishing and spending time with family and friends…That’s not all he’s been doing, though. He is also manning an offensive against those he blames for driving him out of office over allegations that he sexually harassed nearly a dozen women, including an executive assistant who pressed charges after saying she was groped. According to a person familiar with his thinking, Cuomo sees himself as the victim of a conspiracy that has been “cooked” up by the “Twittersphere” and turned into a “media stampede” by a press corps sympathetic to the left. He feels victimized by the cultural shifts of the Me Too era, which he characterizes as “a warp in time” in which facts don’t matter. He believes State Attorney General Letitia James’s run for governor is proof that her investigation that brought him down was a political hit job to begin with. Worst of all are progressives in the Legislature, or, as he puts it, the “socialists,” particularly State Senators Jessica Ramos and Alessandra Biaggi, who were among his most vocal critics in calling for his resignation.”
But to challenge the harassment claims of the 11 women who came forward is not the best political strategy for a comeback in New York. “Fundamentally, Cuomo’s team’s efforts — primarily through his paid attorney — to gaslight and attack the brave women who came forward fall flat,” Mariann Wang, an attorney who has represented two of Cuomo’s other accusers, said in an email. “They pick at and try to contest random, isolated facts and ignore the larger picture: that nearly a dozen women, including women who were currently working for him, understood and felt his plainly harassing and inappropriate misogynistic behavior,” writes Walker.
Azzopardi also compared AG James to Ken Starr, the prosecutor of former President Bill Clinton. And that is the strategy that some believe Andrew Cuomo is holding onto. Cuomo knew Bill Clinton well, and he saw how Clinton became the Comeback Kid, again and again.
But that was 25 years ago, and in New York, you have women in the positions of power, as Governor, as Attorney General, and as Senate Majority Leader, all who believe the accusers against Cuomo. How does the Bill Clinton stratgey work today?
“We all just want to move on,” said another legislative staffer. “Everyone’s tired.”
And don’t forget to order your t-shirt or sweatshirt in time for delivery before the holidays.