Walter Cronkite has left the Air!

by Eric W. Schoen 

Television seemed so simple when Walter Cronkite and Chet Huntley and David Brinkley presented the evening newscasts years ago. None of this fighting, no conservative and liberal labels, just straight news. 

Well friends, that’s not the case anymore. Television is as competitive as the horses at the racetrack, particularly now that there are some 400 channels on the television to choose from. Anchors and reporters are in a constant competition that you reach the point where you wish for the simpler days of a Walter Cronkite! 

CNN canned Don Lemon and FOX NEWS did the same to Tucker Carlson earlier this week. Lemon was an egotist who never had good ratings whether it be at night or in the morning. He said some bizarre things on the air which irritated woman and many men. His dismissal is no loss to CNN viewers. 

Tucker Carlson at Fox replaced Bill O’Reilly after O’Reilly’s behavior at the station toward women and his colleagues became public. He went conservative to improve his ratings. I was never much of a fan and didn’t care for his presentation which ran the gamut from confrontational to egomaniacal. His program lost the lively nature of O’Reilly’s, and got boring at the first commercial break. He was also involved in scandals related to January 6 which cost FOX  millions. 

So are you crying your eyes out over the loss of Lemon and Carlson. They will find other platforms I am sure, and just like Chris Cuomo and all those before him will be distant memories in several weeks. That’s the nature of television news in 2023, and it looks like it will get more cut throat as the years go by. Walter Cronkite was worth crying your eyes out over. Not these clowns of the moment like Lemon and Carlson which today are yesterday’s news. 

Biden Announces

Totally unimpressed with the Biden Presidential announcement on Tuesday morning. What has happened to this man in a short period of time? As Vice President he impressed us, standing for hours at the casket of his son who died greeting those paying their respects. His energy level just isn’t there like it was in the campaign and his years in the Obama administration. The announcement had little energy and was accompanied by weird music. 

But then you have Trump. Can our country put up with 4 more years of his behavior. Dividing and causing chaos on a daily basis. 

Strange thing that both men are involved with family members in so many investigations you wonder where this is all going to go. But hark, here comes Robert Kennedy, Jr., son of a prominent family announcing he is going to primary Biden. A bigger meshugah over the vaccination process one could not find. He has little party support, those supporting his father long gone. I would vote for Biden over Kennedy any day. 

So we sit and wait for more candidates to appear on both sides of the aisle. Let’s hope that in the Presidential primary next year at least we have a choice of candidates in both major political parties! 

Board of Elections Pervert

Anyone whether they be public official or political leader who knew about the disgusting behavior of Board of Legislators employee Anand Singh and didn’t make it public the minute they knew should resign and or be fired. When I read one place that this mess goes back to early December and another place that it was public in March or April, what were Board of Legislators leaders who were aware of this thinking by keeping it a big secret. 

Who is this guy and who is covering his rear end? Any situation with a government employee similar to this has been addressed properly. Workers like Singh serve at the pleasure of the Board who hires and fires them. This matter was handled inappropriately and the District Attorney and Attorney General should be called in to punish those that covered up. Mr. Singh should repay any salary he received since the story broke and receive as much punishment as the laws allow. 

New Elevator at the Will Library

It’s a bird, no it’s a plane, no it’s a new elevator at the Will Library. My spies tell me Construction began this week on this long overdue project. Friends of the Library of which I am President have been waiting at least 25 years for the commencement of this project critical to our book sale operations. Thank you City Council and Library Administration for finally getting this project moving. 

Just a reminder. You can enter the lower level auditorium from the parking lot and the handicapped accessible elevator will bring you down if you can’t do the steps. There is a door directly to the parking lot from the auditorium which is much easier than the handicapped elevator. 

The first level can be reached steps free from the doors on Central Avenue. If you need to for whatever reason to reach the administration top level, the shortest steps are as you enter the main reading room to your right before you reach the book stacks. There are railings on both sides to make your climb that much easier. 

Friends will be sponsoring a little reception when the new elevator project is complete.


No stamps at the Post Office on Central avenue and Tuckahoe Road (10710) Monday afternoon, so a little birdie told me. Prices of stamps keep going up and the Post Office is not prepared. Never been to a Post Office with no stamps. The 10704 Post Office (across from Racetrack) if the computer is working will print out colorful stamps with different designs 24 hours a day. We should have machines like this at all our Post Offices for 24 service. Raise the prices, get with the times. 

Stores like CVS should install locks or bars on their shopping carts so they don’t disappear. CVS wants you to buy more but how can you carry it without a shopping cart. Monday, none at CVS at Sadore Lane. 

Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at