& volunteers providing food boxes for seniors

Yonkers City Council President Mike Khader joined with PCNY in the streets, Mommy of 4 chicks and other volunteers to hand out fresh food, produce and daily to families and residents who need it most, and who are struggling during COVID. “This pandemic has effected–affected everyone and shows why food insecurity is an important issue for every American,” said Khader.
The event was held at Chicken Island in Yonkers, and over 1400 boxes of food were given out. Mayor Mike Spano and Judicial candidate Verris Shako also joined in the effort.
Later in the day, CCP Khader, Councilwoman Tasha Diaz and County Legislature Jose Alvarado delivered fresh produce and dairy to seniors who could not make it to the distribution. “We must always make sure our seniors are eating healthy and being taken care of. I want to thank all the volunteers for showing up and helping out, including Michael Sabatino, Nancy Khader-Maldonado, Hayley Ayala,Dwayne Cloud, David Sanchez,” said Khader.