Continuing UPAC’s long tradition of hosting community tree lightings, the Untermyer Performing Arts Council celebrated Caroling For A Cause, our Twenty-Fifth Annual Community Tree Lighting and Caroling on December 6th at Untermyer Park.
It was a joint celebration as we also commemorated the 105th anniversary of Yonkers first Community Tree lighting in 1916, held at a children’s playground at Radford Street and North Broadway. People from all sections of Yonkers joined in the celebration, people who later traveled to City Hall to light a few of the trees surrounding our beautiful municipal headquarters in celebration of the holiday season.
The event, emceed by Yonkers Board of Education President Reverend Steven Lopez, featured performances by 2021 Yonkers Junior Idol Carly Tauber and the nationally known Letterman Quartet. Payton Savarese led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Mayor Spano’s Disability Advisory Board led by Chair Carole Conklin lit our beautiful community tree. Perhaps most exciting, Santa Claus, our favorite resident of the North Pole, visited us that evening and passed out Christmas goodies to all the good boys and girls of all ages. The evening was capped by the delicious hot chocolate, courtesy of the Homefield Deli on Saw Mill River Road.
UPAC asked attendees to open their hearts to support our annual toy drive for the children in the Rising Ground Foster Care Program; our guests gave generously, helping Yonkers to bring the Christmas spirit to these deserving children.
The Untermyer Performing Arts Council is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to continuing the tradition of Minnie and Samuel Untermyer, bringing free musical entertainment to our treasure of a park and the people of Yonkers and beyond throughout the year.
This program was done in cooperation with Mayor Mike Spano and the Yonkers Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation. Funding was provided by the Ira Goldman Memorial Fund, Senators Andrea Stewart Cousins and Shelley Mayer, Assemblymember Nader Sayegh, and other generous supporters.
For further information about future UPAC programs and events, please call the Untermyer Performing Arts Council’s ArtsLine at 914-375-3435, visit our social media pages or check our website www.untermyerperformingarts.org