United Way of Westchester and Putnam (UWWP) will once again team up with the YWCA White Plains & Central Westchester and YWCA Yonkers to launch the 21-Day Social Justice & Equity Challenge for Westchester and the lower Hudson Valley. The Challenge, which is part of a national movement to engage communities in anti-racist work, will begin on Tuesday, March 1, and continues (Monday –Friday) through Tuesday, March 29.
The 21-Day Social Justice & Equity Challenge is a 21-day learning and self-discovery journey that aims to help develop more effective social justice habits around issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership. There is no cost to participate in the self-guided Challenge; community members may register in advance at WestchesterEquityChallenge.org or HudsonValleyEquityChallenge.org.
Participants receive a daily email/text directing them to 3-4 curated activities such as: reading an article, listening to a podcast, watching a video, or reflecting on their own experiences. Each day’s content focuses on a different topic, and participants are encouraged to reflect on the information through a daily journal and discussion guide. Topics include racial identity, intersectionality, housing affordability and homelessness, legal system inequity, and allyship.
Sponsorships are also available.
UWWP is located at 336 Central Park Ave., White Plains, NY 10606. Phone: 914-997-6700 Website: www.uwwp.org Facebook: (www.facebook.com/UnitedWayWP) and Twitter (@UnitedWayWP)