Two Yonkers Cops Called “Guardian Angels” for Helping a Stranded Woman in Car

It’s the everyday small acts of kindness that makes a difference in people’s lives – here is an opportunity to share one of those acts by 2nd Precinct Police Officers Patrick Paolo and Michael Soto, pictured above. We highlight the #YonkersPD on this page, but police officers all over the country help people everyday – with big problems and small ones. Thank you to our community for supporting your local police, and well done, PO Paolo and PO Soto!

Dear Mr. Politopoulos:
I am writing to you to tell you of my recent experience with Police Officers Paolo and Posoto. While driving home from New Jersey in torrential rain, I got a flat tire….managed to pull off 87 and pull into a gas station right past Cross County Shopping Center. Unfortunately, noone in the gas station could help. Wasn’t too concerned because I have AAA and any time I have called them, they respond very quickly. Keep in mind its still raining and very dark where i had parked and not the best area for a woman to be alone. Anyway, I called AAA and they told me it would be about 30 min for someone to show up. That 30 min turned into 3 hours…I kept calling them and they kept telling me i was next…I was hysterical at this point…I needed to get home. I teach had to report to work the next morning for the first day. The last call to AAA the woman felt sorry for me and called the police….I told the dispatcher my story and she sent a car. Forgot to tell you this….I was rushing when i left my house and forgot to take my wallet with cash, ID and credit cards. Not a good night.

Police Officers Paolo and Posoto show up, and explain there isn’t much they can do for me but can get in touch with another tow company who can come and change my flat, I explain that I don’t have money or a credit card…they explain thats a problem. I tell them I do have money at home and could pay the two company the next day, etc. They say that wont work. What they did next for me was just amazing…they pooled togather $75 of their own money and called the tow company and had my flat changed. I wanted to pay them back, said I could drop off the money the next day and they wouldn’t hear of it. I was and still am so touched and thankful for their kind gesture. Soooooo nice of them!!!!!! They were my guardian angels!!!!!!! Please thank them again from me. They are the best!!!!!!

name withheld