Alexandra Gordon, Johnathan Garnett and twin girls born on 2.22.22.
Babies born on special Palindrome Day
Congratulations to New Rochelle residents Alexandria Gordon and Johnathan Garnett parents of twins born on a very special day: 2.22.22.
The twin girls were born at Westchester Medical Center at 3:29 p.m. and 3:31 p.m. They join a very special club of babies becaise their birthday is a five-digit palindrome, meaning it can be read the same way backward and forward and is considered to be lucky by some. Both girls were also the same weight, 6 pound and 3 ounces!
Westchester Medical Center specializes in high-risk pregnancies and Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, has the only Level IV Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (RNICU) in the Hudson Valley, caring for the region’s tiniest and sickest babies.
To learn more about Westchester Medical Center’s Women’s Health Services offering comprehensive women’s health care to women of all ages and in every stage of life visit Advanced OB/GYN Associates or call 914.493.2250.
To learn more about Westchester Medical Center and the vital services it provides to residents of the Hudson Valley and beyond, visit WestchesterMedicalCenter.org