Six boys from Boy Scout Troop 2 Mamaroneck – Daniel Ricci, Ari Maki, Joseph Yang, Milo Haviland, James McSweeney and Julian Allison – celebrated the most prestigious achievement in Boy Scouting and earned the highest rank of Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor on June 9 at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Mamaroneck.
There are approximately 2.3 million boy scouts in the U.S., and of those, only approximately 5 percent earn the rank of Eagle. To do so, one must be active in one’s troop as a life Scout for at least six months, hold leadership positions, and receive written recommendations from parents, religious leaders, teachers, employers and mentors.
One must complete at least 21 specific merit badges and plan, develop and lead others in a service project that benefits a religious, school or community institution. The Scout must complete a lengthy application and project workbook, and write a statement of life ambition and purpose including leadership positions held in one’s school, community, and/or religious institution. Assuming the Scout’s project is approved, one must pass a scoutmaster conference and a final Board of Review.
Ricci restored the ecosystem at Otter Creek Preserve in Mamaroneck. Maki beautified a Rye Nature Center trail in Rye. Yang restored the Sunken Gardens in Crawford Park in Rye Brook. Haviland restored the Haviland Cemetery in Harrison. McSweeney designed and constructed bridges for the Marshlands Conservancy in Rye. And Allison created a history of Mamaroneck, including histories from both the town and the village.
Altogether, they contributed 1,584 community service hours with 232 volunteers.
Troop 2 Mamaroneck celebrated its 100th anniversary last year, and since its inception, this is the largest group of boys to earn the Eagle rank in one year. Starting in Cub Scouts, these boys have risen in the ranks together for 12 years.
“It has been an honor to lead these six scouts from Tiger to Eagle,” said Scoutmaster Donna Ricci. “I am truly proud of each of them and look forward to the great things they will do in their next adventure of life.”