Town of Greenburgh Honors Maria Regina High School on its 65th Anniversary

Left to right are Town of Greenburgh Council members Ken Jones, Ellen Hendrickx and Gina Jackson; Maria Regina High School Principal Maria Carozza-McCaffrey (Class of ’99) and President Anna Parra; Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner and Greenburgh Council member Francis Sheehan. Photo Credit: Maria Regina High School.

The Town of Greenburgh honored Maria Regina High School at its February 8 Board meeting to mark the renowned all-girls Catholic high school’s 65th anniversary.

The ceremony, which was broadcast live on the Town of Greenburgh government cable channels Cablevision Channel 76 and Verizon Channel 35) began with a brief video of comments by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, who visited the school last December to celebrate the school’s milestone anniversary.

Town Supervisor Paul Feiner then presented a Town Proclamation to Anna Parra, President and Maria Carozza-Mc-Caffrey (Class of ’99), Principal. Also on hand to celebrate the school were Council members Ellen Hendrickx, Gina Jackson, Ken Jones and Francis Sheehan. The Proclamation, which was read by Feiner, declared:

“The Town of Greenburgh raises it voice in tribute to Maria Regina High School on the occasion of its 65th anniversary and expresses its deep appreciation to the administration, faculty, staff and proud alumnae for all their efforts in contributing to the success of the school’s mission of shaping young women to achieve academic excellence, empowered to become compassionate leaders and enriched to live a life of charity, truth and service to others.”

Speaking on behalf of the entire Maria Regina family, Ms. Parra thanked and expressed “deepest appreciation to the Town Board for honoring our school” and invited the Board members to tour the school’s iconic campus, where among several highlights of their visit,” they will see the Proclamation which will be displayed with honor.”

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