Tie a Blue Ribbon Around Your Tree for Israel!

By Dan Murphy

Here is another wonderful idea to show your support for the people of Israel during a difficult time this Chanukah Holiday. After the October 7 attacks by Hamas against the people of Israel, Rye resident Kelly Goldstein began a fundraiser for families in Israel affected by the Hamas attacks.

The fundraiser asks for an $18 donation and in return donors will receive a Blue Ribbon to hang in your home or business, or around your old Oak tree. So far, the response has been great, with more than $6,000 raised and Kelly has appeared on News 12, WABC TV-7, and several local publications.

While Chanukah is ending, Kelly is continuing her fundraiser. Please make a donation as any amount will help. Venmo @kellyreid-goldstein. Last 4 digits 3477.

Show your support for this great cause by donating and hanging your Blue Ribbon today! All donations will go directly to families in Israel, who need some help.

Thank you Kelly for starting this worthy cause and giving all of us a chance to give back and show our support for the people of Israel this holiday season.