Three Yonkers City Council Races on the Ballot Nov. 7

We Endorse: Tasha Diaz, City Council, 3rd District

Councilmember Tasha Diaz has served the residents of the 3rd District for the past four years. She also serves as the majority leader on the council. We have appreciated watching Diaz serve her constituents and help those who need it. She is a unique public servant, but she gets the job done, and most important, she has played a role in the positive direction the city has taken, working together as a team with Mayor Spano.

Diaz does have an opponent; Hector Santiago is running on the Working Families Party line. Santiago is best known as creating the Stop and Shake initiative with the Yonkers Police Department.

But at a City Council meeting last year, Santiago was asked to leave the council chambers by police. A confrontation in the hallway of City Hall ensued between Santiago and a Yonkers Police officer. Santiago was charged but was found not-guilty. He is know suing the City over this incident.

We endorse Tasha Diaz for City Council-3rd District.

We Endorse: Mike Breen City Council District 5

Yonkers City Councilman Mike Breen does not have an opponent on the ballot this election. There may be a write in campaign, which gives us another reason to support his reelection to the council.

Breen has served as part of a team on the council, working with Mayor Spano, to move the city forward.

As the Council minority leader, Breen is not only willing and able to work with members of the republican caucus, but also to reach across the aisle and find consensus and compromise.

Breen has also been known as “councilman pothole” for his constituent service and in helping residents with their problems and concerns.

We endorse Mike Breen for reelection to the city council, district 5.

We Endorse: Deana Robinson, City Council District 1

Deana Robinson is running for City Council in the 1st district. She is seeking to replace Shanae Williams who is running for County Legislator. Robinson served on Williams staff in the city council office and has first-hand knowledge of the day-to-day affairs of a councilmember.

She would hit the ground running on the council and we are confident that she would serve in a similar manner as Williams: As an independent councilmember, but someone who will also work with the Mayor and other councilmembers to continue the progress in the City.

Shatika Parker is also running on the Working Families Party line and is running an active campaign. We appreciate her efforts to serve the people of Yonkers, but we endorse Deana Robinson for City Council in the first district.