On Dec 6., Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the state has suspended liquor licenses for 3 Yonkers bars after finding egregious violations of pandemic-related Executive Orders. Businesses found in violation of COVID-19 regulations face fines up to $10,000 per violation, while egregious violations can result in the immediate suspension of a bar or restaurant’s liquor license.
“New York still has one of the country’s lowest infection rates and that is a testament to the toughness and unity of New Yorkers all doing what they can to limit spread. Unfortunately, however, some establishments have continued to ignore the rules, putting their customers, as well as their community as a whole, at risk,” Governor Cuomo said.
“If we let our guard down and ignore basic public health rules, this winter could be one of the darkest periods of this pandemic and we simply cannot let that happen. We know the vaccine is on the way, we know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but if we let up now and become undisciplined, it’s going to take us even longer to get there.”
The three Yonkers Bars are: “Margarita’s Restaurant & Lounge” at 332-334 South Broadway, had their license suspended on October 30. On October 25th, officers with the Yonkers Police Department inspected the premises shortly after midnight and found over 100 patrons crowded inside — nearly
double the maximum occupancy allowed under COVID-related regulations — not wearing facial coverings, dancing, and smoking hookah. Officers also found a DJ performing, with music audible a block away. The following evening, SLA investigators conducted a follow-up inspection, once again finding a DJ, two employees not wearing facial coverings, and ten patrons not wearing facial coverings while standing and mingling.
“Sahara Café” at 473 South Broadway, had their license suspended on October 28. On October 25th, SLA investigators and officials with the Yonkers Fire Department conducted a compliance check on the premises, discovering 124 patrons packed shoulder-to-shoulder inside the establishment — which had a pre-pandemic maximum occupancy of 48 and could legally hold just 24 patrons under COVID-related regulations. The crowded conditions made social distancing impossible and investigators documented no food being served and numerous patrons smoking hookah in apparent violation of the NYS Indoor Smoking Act. The premises was also cited for
illegally expanding into their backyard and the Yonkers Fire Department issued a stop work order. Sahara Café was originally licensed just two months earlier on August 24, 2020.
“Uptown Bar & Grill” at 623 South Broadway, had their licenese suspended on October 25. On October 17th, officers with the Yonkers Police Department conducted a compliance check of the premises, finding 168 patrons crowded inside the establishment, which had a maximum capacity of 88 before the pandemic and could legally hold 44 patrons under COVID-related regulations. Police report that the number of patrons inside made social distancing impossible and numerous patrons without facial coverings were mingling, dancing and drinking. Officers noted no food was being served, documented several employees without facial coverings, and observed several individuals smoking hookah throughout the premises. The location is a repeat offender, with pending charges for multiple violations issued by the SLA a month earlier.