They Deserve Better

By Ann Muro–Veterans Day 2018.

There is something that I think of each and every day and it really does upset me more than words can say.

It’s about those who served our country going back so many years and to learn that some are homeless brings on so many tears.

Why can’t our country and its leaders do more than they have done, to turn those lives from darkness and help them feel the sun.

They hear of celebrations and VA parades galore, but the one thing that they really need is to be homeless, yes, no more.

We must all get together to see what we can do to help those men and women now live their lives anew.

Editor’s note: Ann Muro’s poem should remind us all of the need to help veterans, and others this holiday season. Jim Killoran and the Fuller Center for Housing NYC make an effort to help veterans find housing, and also helps veterans repair their existing homes in Westchester.