Vehicle theft cannot be completely avoided. It can only be minimized and depending on the efforts we make, the probability of our vehicle’s security is determined. A technology-based approach is always important and in the context of vehicle theft prevention, mini GPS trackers stand out as the ultimate solution.
The answer lies in the main function of the device itself, which is real-time GPS-based tracking. With a mini GPS tracker, any vehicle owner can monitor their vehicle much better and practically anytime as many GPS-based portable trackers have features that prevent the object under surveillance from moving out of a certain area.
However, understanding the benefits of mini GPS trackers to vehicle security in depth is essential, so read on!
Theft prevention
Vehicle theft is difficult to avoid completely as thieves are “everywhere” and always waiting for the best opportunity. You can only minimize the risk and a mini GPS tracker is a powerful tool. It allows you to monitor the real-time position of your vehicle and thus, in case your vehicle is stolen by a thief, you can still track its movements and contact the dispatcher. Imagine if your vehicle is successfully taken away by a thief but you don’t know where it is being driven. Remember that time is of the essence in case your vehicle is being taken away by someone. The sooner you know its real-time position, the better your chances of getting your vehicle back.
It was mentioned above that some mini GPS trackers have a feature that allows users to set a virtual boundary that the object being monitored (in this case the vehicle) is not allowed to cross. If the vehicle crosses the virtual boundary, the tracking device will automatically provide a notification, which can be an SMS, email, or WhatsApp message. This way you, as the vehicle owner, can know immediately when your vehicle is about to be taken away and can immediately prevent theft by your own hand or with the help of others.
Deactivation feature
For us, this feature is very important, even the most important to prevent theft. With this feature, which is found in many mini GPS trackers on the market, you can remotely shut down your vehicle, provided that your vehicle is still in the shadow of an Internet connection. Imagine being able to shut down your vehicle once you know it’s being rushed by someone. Once the vehicle has stopped, you can immediately contact the police to pick up your vehicle based on the last position pinpointed by your mini GPS tracker.
Possible reduction in insurance premiums
Some vehicle insurance companies have reduced insurance premiums for vehicle owners who have installed mini GPS trackers in their vehicles. This is a win-win solution between you as the vehicle owner and the insurance company as the risk bearer.
It can be concluded that installing a mini GPS tracker on a vehicle can significantly improve vehicle safety. The features of real-time tracking, Geo-fencing, virtual restrictions with notifications, and remote vehicle deactivation are powerful for every vehicle owner to prevent theft.