By Eric Wolf Schoen
Yes, it’s that time every 4 years when Yonkersites select a new Mayor. Or re-elect the current Mayor. Or re-elect an old Mayor. As the candidates are out getting signatures as we speak, what better time to reflect on this year’s race.
Add a wrinkle this year with lawyer Michael Sussman , Lawyer Extraordinaire de Yonkers taking the City Council to court for again for attempting to change the City Charter without a public vote as it has always been changed in the past. He wasn’t asked to the third time but a group of active citizens asked him to challenge the Council’s vote this year.
Changing the City Charter without a public vote or a vote by a Charter Revision Commission appointed by the Mayor is a bad precedent for Yonkers to get into. It takes away the checks and balances a Commission or public vote gives the citizens of Yonkers. Years ago the Council tried to do this and was fought successfully by a group of spirited citizens headed by Andrea Olson, a civic leader and Democratic activist. Andrea is probably turning over in her grave when she sees what a majority of this City Council has done.
What infuriates this writer is that current Mayor Mike Spano practically swore to me at a program at the Will Library that he wanted no part of a third term. He said to me, ‘Eric, if there’s anyone in Yonkers you of all people understand how difficult the job of Mayor is and how much it takes you away from your family. I would never want a third term!’ Weeks later he signed legislation giving him a third term, and once again signed legislation giving him the opportunity to run for a fourth term this year.
Was Spano telling me a lie? Or just just not telling me the truth? I know Spano a long time, and in Yonkers when you say one thing and do something else we call that a lie.
I’m not criticizing Spano because he has done a good job as Mayor. However, in the third largest city in New York State there are plenty of people in our 200,000 + population who could easily do the job of Mayor. What happened to businesspeople, lawyers like Al DeBello, Gerry Loehr, Terry Zaleski and Nick Wasicsko. Business people like Angelo Martinelli and Dr. James O’Rourke. Law enforcement like Hank Spallone. I’m sure I have left someone out, but my point is there are plenty of qualified people to serve as Mayor of Yonkers.
The Democratic Party had a convention for the Mayoral nomination and Spano won unanimously. The convention could be considered a roll call for people who work for the Spano Administration. Councilwoman Corazon Pineda Isaac is challenging Spano’s party nomination, and rest assured the Spano folk will challenge her nominating petitions. You see Spano has a successful history challenging Primary challengers, where Pineda Isaac is fairly new to the political ‘game’ process.
Pineda Isaac has done a decent job as Councilperson but again, here we go with the same people this time running for another City Hall position. She certainly is as qualified as anyone to be Mayor, but again I say that in the difficult times ahead after the pandemic monies are depleted we are going to need a leader who can read, understand and interpret a budget. Wasn’t it the State Controller who criticized Yonkers for using the same auditor and budget advisor for over 20 years without going out to bid.
The chances of Pineda Isaac beating Spano in a primary are not good. Just about the same as Republican Anthony Merante beating him in the general election. But I give Pineda Issac and Merante kudos for taking a shot at it!
And yes, among the items the City Council is voting on again this Tuesday (actually for the second go round this time as the firm’s name was spelled incorrectly the first time) is the same auditor the city has used probably for 25 years at this point. Some says it’s campaign donations that butter the bread. I say it’s time we start examining Yonkers Government for change. Remember, don’t complain your taxes are high if you don’t take an active role in lowering them. And watch what I tell you. In a year or two, not this year you will be surprised by a big tax increase. Non-election year, of course!
Briefs: FLACO
As of March 28 Flaco the Owl from the Central Park Zoo has been on the loose for 54 days. Isn’t it impressive that in New York he’s been on the loose that long and no one has caught him or tried to change his location to a more secure and safer one. Only in New York kids, Only in New York!
Can you believe that New York Subway Stops will not be fully elevator accessible until 2055! How many people in WESTCHESTER are left by accessible BeeLine buses at subway stations with no where to go. MTA (Money Taking Agency) what’s up.
Politicians that support Book Banning are doing the same thing as Book Burning. This is how the Nazis started. Florida Governor DeSantos has been public about the desire to ban books. So has a 101 year old holocaust widow talking about book banning recently on television
When will the D.A. Brag vs Trump escapade come to closure. Fish or cut bait. Either indict the man or put this saga to an end. We are all tired.
Ny lifeguards paid $20 an hour and they still have a hard time finding candidates. Remember when a lifeguard job was a dream job?
Another year with no theatrical musical presentation in Yonkers Public School while most schools in Westchester offer semi professional productions reviewed and rated by the Journal News. It’s hard to believe the district can’t come up with $25,000 per school so our students can enjoy, no pun intended, ‘The Sound of Music.’
A Joyous Passover and Happy Easter to all of my readers and friends. My cousin Dr. Fred Meyerowitz, long time Yonkers dentist passed this year so sadly he will not be leading our service but we look forward to being with his family and friends to enjoy a delicious Passover meal.
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at thistooisyonkers@aol.com.