By Eric Wolf Schoen
When former New York City Mayor Ed Koch lost the nomination for Governor to Mario Coumo in 1982, he made a very good speech to his supporters and the the people of New York. He said the people have spoken.
And so we the People of America elected a new President Tuesday night. No, maybe he is an old President brought back for his constitutionally permitted second term. Bottom line is that Donald Trump will occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave come January for 4. Years.
Some expected Trump would get reelected, and many did not. After His comments blaming Jewish people of which religion group is in Trumps family of.bring the reason he would lose the Presidency, he finally settled down and shut his mouth and his stupid comments were taken with a grain of salt.
Then last weekend Trump hired a comedian for one of his ‘shows’, the comedian made inappropriate comm ents regarding Puerto Rico and many people got upset. by them. People thought he would loose the Puerto Rican vote, he lost some but still did not have a major crisp on his bands.
If these two episodes didn’t kill the cat, they certaiinly put fuel on the fire. But as the famous Howard Stern always says, ‘Blame the Jews!’
I can think of a least 10 reasons why Kamala lost. Number one is Blame Joe Biden and The Biden family. They knew Joe was having health issues and waited for the last minute to pullout. So Kamala had no time to get to know the depths of the American people and the problems on their mind and get her opinions thought out to the American people.
What Right did Kamala have to claim she was heir apparent to the throne.? People did not know her and there were many more qualified candidates for the job. And Yes I will include Bernie Sanders in that group even though he has embarassed himself a great deal lately.
Kamala’s handlers kept her sequestered and away from the press. Bottom line is she was incapable of answering many important questions.
Kamala was given the task of fixing the borders that are allowing was too many people to enter the United States. Granted Trump in his earlier.term planned on fixing the borders and nothing the Trump administration tried worked. But it took Kamala a while to get to the borders.
Kamala did very good when she debated Donald one on one. She should have pressed for more and if she had to sit oppsite an empty chair so be it.
Kamala had a Democratic Party in disarray after the Biden affair. She had to little time to pull everyone together.
What did Kamala do with all the money she raised. I’m not saying anything criminal occurred, but the people who handled her air buys didn’t get the bang for the buck she needed.
Kamala played the innocent, naive role way too many times. Even though he is a convicted felon and a pervert, people feel they can go to bed easily knowing if he had to push the button in the middle of the night they trust he would make the right decision.
Don’t think for one minute that Donald will be going to jail. If you think he will be, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. That’s the problem with politics in America today. . A Democrat is the same thing as a Republican. Both parties work together for the ‘public. Good?’or is it really the private good.
But as I Have said before ad nauseum in these papers,, people vote their pocketbooks and their wallets. They ask themselves a simple question: are things any better financially for themselves over the last four year than the four years.before? Bottom line is that everything from a Steak at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse to a 4 pack of premade jello selling for $5 at a store in Mamaroneck, to a dirty water hot dog in Manhattan has gone up in price. People can’t afford the basics because the cost of milk, bread and other foodstuffs has gone up in price.
If you didn’t go out and vote on Election Day, if you don’t take part in the political process, you get a Donald Trump as your President.
All we can do is pray that he can bring this country together and that Donald can restore our Great Country so we are the premiere power in The world. Give the man a chance and your prayers. God Bless America!
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!