It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by and that Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza and the New year are before us. It seems like only yesterday that 2022 was here and we thought we had Covid under control. Now we have added RSV to the mix and the new item out of stock at the store is Children’s Tylenol and other medicines to help treat our little ones.
Just as fast as children’s Tylenol hits the shelves stores are reported to be out of it. And let’s not forget the many adults we know, fully vaccinated that have come down with Covid. Everyday I hear of an occasion being ruined as a family member of friend has gotten Covid. We try to put the blame on a family event or gathering we attended but bottom line when you walk out the door of your apartment or house or even in the house with loved ones who have been exposed you can pick up the virus.
Bottom line is we are going to have to live with Covid as we have learned to live with the flu. After 5 days of quarantine it’s all over and you are back to your good old self. Thank our government and vaccine makers for their prompt attention to Covid!
The holidays were always a time when whether it be my mom or my sister or yours truly we would send out greeting cards. My cards always always had a Dove and peace on them. My sister always sent out cards with cats the cat lover that she is. Her most famous card Was 2 cute cats posed by a lit menorah. The card said, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Katz wish you a happy Chanukah. Those cards with that saying were hard to come by after their initial introduction.
Now with cards anything goes. Of Course to add to the December holidays of Christmas and Chanukah we have added Kwanza, Boxing Day, Festivus from Seinfeld, Winter Solstice, St. Nicholas Day, Merry Humbug Day and National Hot Chocolate day. Internet cards are nice but for Christmas and Chanukah you really need a real card signed by a real person.
People don’t write on cards anymore which is sad. They send out beautiful cards with a full page of family pictures and a blank page on the back. Yes it’s nice to see the pictures, but the personal thoughts that accompany them are what the holiday is all about. Some people send out boxed cards with no greetings. And just a name which etiquette wise is just as bad. You are sending out a card so say something like all is well or the cat ate the goldfish. It’s Always nice to have each member of the family from young to old sign the card. It truly shows that you mean the message.
My sister’s cards which come with a message also have her name, my name was and are signed with cats paw representing the cats she has had over the years. Her cat now is Sidney named after my father represented on the card with a smile for dads sweet disposition and big belly.
Skip the emails unless You are send a blanket one to a group or everyone at work. I find emails very impersonal, and the response even more interpersonal.
The Post Office has so many commemorative stamps. The LOVE stamps in particular add a sweet touch to your card. If the post office is out of commemoratives, find a 24 hour a day post office that will laser print whatever stamps you want. You are paying enough for the stamps you might as well have a pretty picture on them. This year there are stamps with child elves on them.
Just because something is on the dining room table doesn’t mean you have to eat it. Be careful what you eat over the holidays tasting what looks good on the table rather than having a full portion. Need I tell you the importance of exercise over the holidays? If you are the host or hostess try to put healthy, tasty good foods about for the holidays. Your friends, family and doctor will thank you!
Many of you have written to me to see how I am doing with Parkinson’s. Thank god the Doctors are on their was to finding the correct medicines for me. I thank to for your thoughts and prayers and the many of you who have send me links to websites and articles. Just like this came out of the clear blue sky I will deal with it.
Need I remind you that this time of year you have to check all your health insurance benefits. It’s time to look at your current Benefits Book as well as next year’s book to make sure you are taking advantage of what is due you. Also fill those prescriptions, and if you have a prescription reimburse plan have everything ready for reimbursement on January 1. It’s your money so make sure you get it back promptly.
Some people have eye glass reimbursement plans. Get those glasses before January 1. Make sure you take advantage of you dental benefits which are so limited you need to get every dollars worth.
The important thing this holiday is to relax with family and friends. We have been through almost 3 tough years dealing with Covid. RSV who knows what’s coming next. Even if it means getting your family event catered from outside, enjoy.
Don’t forget those in need. Contribute to the Salvation Army, Red Cross and other worthy organizations. If you see someone in the street asking for money, go into a store and buy him/her real food. You don’t want them spending money on alcohol or drugs.
From my family to yours, a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa and most importantly a happy, health new year.
Love, Eric Schoen.
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.