By Eric Wolf Schoen
June 2024. Governor Kathy Hochul, under pressure from officials and voters in the New York counties outside the city, stopped a steep toll regime also known as congestion that would have charged drivers $15.
Mr. Trump vowed to “TERMINATE” that version “in my FIRST WEEK back in Office!!!”
After Trump was elected, she raced to put a cheaper version in place, knowing she might have a harder time doing so once he was running the country.
In a letter after Mr. Trump was elected, New Jersey Governor Murphy wrote that New Jersey planned to amend a pending lawsuit against federal transportation agencies that helped pave the way for congestion pricing. He also requested that New York’s congestion pricing scheme “receive the close look it deserved but did not receive from the federal government last year.”
And so my dear friends, we have a new President of these United States. I have to be honest. I enjoy reviewing the Presidential Inauguration ceremony when it is outside on the beautiful grounds of the city . You really think that the cold weather would have forced George Washington or Abraham Lincoln to change their minds and hold the festivities inside?
Con you imagine the Times Square New Years ball drop indoors? Or the NYC THANKSGIVING PARADE indoors? Or a Ticker Tape parade indoors as opposed to the Canyon of Heroes!
And Washington and Lincoln didn’t have the warm clothing we have. Do you think Mrs. Washington or Mrs. Lincoln were able to to pick up a warm coat on sale from our beloved Macy’s or Saks off 5Th? Maybe a good price from Target? And my guess is if the coat needed hemming the ladies had to do it themselves. Same goes for the men.
Neither Washington nor Lincoln were ‘off the rack’ kind of guys. And how easy would it be to have a hat made like Mrs. Trump wore, covering her eyes? What was up with that hat? I doubt George or Abe would want their wives eyes covered unable to see the electorate.
That In fact is what the purpose of the parade down Pennsylvania Avenue is for. It gives people the impression that the President and his family are real people just like they are. There are very few events like this during a President’s term of office. I particularly like when the President and his wife get out of their limousine and stroll hand in hand down the ‘Avenue.’
Now if the venue change was for security I might understand that. But I am sure we have had Inaugural Parades in colder, snowier, icy weather! Or have we become a nation of woosies? Frightened by weather observed in most of these states.
So Mr. President, what happened here. I was shocked that the last time this occurred was under Reagan. Two tough guys. That had to be security related.
Getting back to congestion pricing, a week is going by very fast. Monday at noon. I didn’t say it, my highly taxed readers didn’t say it, you said you would terminate congestion pricing in one week.
The American people like honesty from their elected officials. They are not happy with pardons by you of a drug dealer or associates with familial connections or Mr. Biden of similar people. Though it is your right!
We wish you Godspeed even if we didn’t vote for you or dislike every action that you take. The red/orange hair dye? I think you found the right hairstylist. The make-up? It looks more natural. Jergen’s makes an excellent product for men to give you that ‘glow’ and it is not expensive. Just trying to save our country some money!
God Bless America, my home sweet home!
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