25,000 Free Turkeys Delivered !

By Dan Murphy
Every year, Yonkerstimes.com and Yonkers Rising likes to highlight the people and organizations in Yonkers that make a difference during the holidays, and make sure that many people who need some holiday cheer can have a good Thanksgiving dinner.
And we see all of the non-profits and groups in Yonkers step up year after year and hand out turkeys to families, especially this year with inflation making it harder to shop at the supermarket.
We always wondered, where do the non-profits get their turkeys from? We have found the answer, and for most of these groups, his name is Wayne Schneider and his organization is PCNYinthestreets.
A few days before Thanksgiving, for the past eight years, Schneider along with help from The Hometown Foundation pulls up in a tractor trailer in Yonkers and parks at Chicken Island. There thousands of turkeys are given out to non-profits, who hand them out to families across the city.
Last year, Schneider delivered 20,000 turkeys to Yonkers and New York City. How does he do it?
Schneider explained that in 2010 he opened Precision Concierge New York (“PCNY”), a high-end concierge service that provides high end car, air, yacht service and party planning services. In 2020, Schneider opened up PCNY x NO Limit body shop in Yonkers to continue to give back to the community.
Through the various networking and connections, Schneider saw a way to help others, and PCNYinthestreets was formed as a non-profit organization, in 2015. This group does a lot for the homeless, and for those in need, like providing meals, clothing, and blankets in the winter.
But we are here to highlight and thank Schneider for bringing in all of those turkeys every Thanksgiving. What started out as a 500 Turkey Drive, has now exploded into 20,000 turkeys in 2021 and 25,000 in 2022.
PCNYinthestreets partners with the Garden of Eden Foundation, and The Hometown Foundation, and Talia Schneider, Wayne’s sister, is a key player in making sure that the many non-profit organizations in Yonkers that now rely on PCNY and the Schneiders for their turkeys are never disappointed.
Or as Talia likes to say, “We try to make sure it’s a hunger less holiday.”
Two Yonkers notables know and appreciate what Wayne Schneider has done and continues to do for eight years now and counting; Mayor Mike Spano and the Yonkers based rapper Styles P.
Last Sunday, Nov. 20, Schneider came into Yonkers with the tractor trailer and one of his stops was at Styles P’s Juices for Life, at 211 Nepperhan Avenue. Mayor Spano and Style P thanks Schneider for his generosity.
What a great example for all of us to try and give back this holiday season. Thank you and God Bless, Wayne and Talia Schneider.
All donations made to the 501c3 charity “Garden of Eden Foundation” are tax deductible. Visit – https://www.gardenofedenfoundation.org/donate?fbclid=IwAR0VDd2hOcGKUK4grVX6T5nWWr0X71VMotHN2hs6F8RxkKQLeJ9NE_PETXc
Or pcny.co, to donate or find out more. And have a Happy Thanksgiving!