Protect you and your baby from the coronavirus
Dr. Anna Burgansky, director of obstetrics and gynecology, chief of the
division of general OB/GYN at NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital,
and an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia Univer- sity Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, provides 10 tips women
should know about Pregnancy and COVID-19.
- Boost Your Immune System: Keep your immunity as strong as you can
by taking care of yourself. Resting, taking Vitamin C and prenatal vitamins, maintaining healthy weight, and regular physical activity are all helpful ways to boost immunity. - Video Visits: If you have a healthy pregnancy with no complications,
consider transitioning one or more prenatal appointments to a video visit. You may also opt to have fewer or more spaced out prenatal visits with your provider. - Hospitals Are Safe for Delivery: It is safe to have your baby at a hos- pital. Hospitals maintain all safety protocols and use personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Review your Birth Plan: Talk with your doctor about your birth plan dur- ing COVID-19. In most cases, your timing and method of delivery do not need to be changed. Check with your hospital if you plan to use a doula.
- Breastfeeding is OK: Once baby arrives, if you have COVID-19 or
suspect that you do, you can breastfeed your baby. The majority of available data does not show presence of the virus in breastmilk. Take proper precau- tions to avoid spreading the virus by washing your hands before touching your infant and wear a face mask. - Check Travel Advisories: Travel increases the risk of getting or spreading COVID-19, and pregnant women might be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID and experience adverse outcomes, such as pre-term birth. Fol- low your local and national travel restrictions.
- If You Have Symptoms, Call Your Doctor: If you develop symptoms of
COVID-19, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, call your OB/GYN or healthcare provider before going to the hospital, whenever possible, to discuss your symptoms and options. - Cover Up: Wear a mask in public places, avoid crowds, and practice
social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from others. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or with your elbow to keep hands germ-free. - Avoid People Who Are Sick: Avoid close contact with anyone who is
sick and stay home when you are sick. Also, stay home as much as possible if there are widespread cases of coronavirus in your area. - Keep It Clean: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least
20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Anna Burgansky, MD, chief of the division of general OB/GYN at
NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital and an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, became a physician to help women live healthy lives from teenage years through adulthood. She most enjoys helping women plan their families and being there to guide them through pregnancy and childbirth.
Dr. Burgansky practices general obstetrics and gynecology and has a clinical interest in laparoscopic and minimally invasive gynecologic surgical procedures. At NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital, Dr. Burgansky co-chairs the Departmental Quality Assurance Committee and is actively in- volved in developing and implementing patient safety and quality improve- ments. She is an active member of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists District II Safe Motherhood Initiative, where she works to reduce maternal deaths and preventable obstetrical complications in hospitals across New York State.