Giving is at the heart of TEI Group, the largest, independent, full service vertical transportation company in New York. In the beginning of the pandemic they saw a desperate need in the community. Without hesitation, they rose to the occasion and extended a hand to the hardworking essential workforce that keeps New York running safely by donating 9,000 N95 masks to their longtime partners, the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC) Local One.
They also secured hundreds of masks for the Archdiocese of New York to protect priests serving on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic. These masks helped protect IUEC Local One members working as part of the essential workforce, as well as priests who gave last rites in hospitals and other high-risk environments.
While this has been a tough year, TEI Group believes in giving back, supporting small businesses and uplifting causes that create great impact in the lives of the people who they work with, live next to or know are just simply going through difficult times. This week, President of TEI Group Mark Gregorio rowed 10,000 meters on a Concept2 Rowing Machine to raise funds for two charities whose missions greatly align with the values of TEI.
TEI Group proudly supports Autism Communities, a local nonprofit headed by former TEI Group employee and friend Paul Pedretti. Founded in 2015, this charity helps people with Autism use their self-directed funds to move into a home of their own, including finding a compatible housemate, identifying the right living arrangement within the community and more. Gregorio also sits on the board of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation whose goal is to develop a biological cure for diabetes by restoring natural insulin production and normalizing blood sugar levels without imposing other risks.
2020 has been a year of many challenges, but TEI Group has remained open throughout the pandemic, providing 100% servicing. Covid-19 may have changed the nature of social interaction, but it has not changed the quality, nor the reliability, of TEI Group’s elevator and escalator equipment and services. Because of TEI’s reputation of excellence in the vertical transportation industry, their peers voted them two years in the row as Best Contractor East, securing them an Ellies Award from Elevator World.
Yonkers resident Frank Spotorno, President of Park Line Elevator Cabs Inc., said, “I want to thank TEI, and Mark Gregorio, for making sure our front line workers have been safe during COVID in 2020. I appreciate their willingness to give back and go the extra mile for New Yorkers.”
TEI Group looks forward to a prosperous 2021 and will continue to support and put their energy behind local causes that have a significant influence in the vitality of New York, including those who live here, those who visit, and those who continue to safely build and improve the city one elevator at a time.
About TEI Group
TEI Group is an independent, full service vertical transportation company with more than three decades of experience and success that provides new construction, modernization, maintenance, and repair services to properties across the greater New York metropolitan area. With its headquarters in Long Island City, NY and a satellite office adjacent to Penn Station in Manhattan, TEI Group employs over 300 highly skilled and experienced professionals servicing the residential and commercial real estate markets in the tri-state area. An owner-operated business, TEI Group offers a unique combination of technical expertise and personalized customer support that continues to define the company and fuel its ongoing growth. TEI is an equity partner of Analogue Holdings Limited (HKG: 1977), a leading electrical and mechanical engineering service provider in Hong Kong with substantial operations in Macau and mainland China.
For more information, visit www.teigroup.com.