He volunteered a total of 162 hours to complete three improvements at the community nonprofit shelter for dogs and cats. The first was painting 24 dog pens in a light blue color. Blue is a color which dogs can see and is known to be calming after a transit to the shelter which can be stressful.
The second was transforming an unused shed into a memorial for animals and donors who have passed away, a long-standing goal of PHS. The newly painted shed is the same blue color used in the pens and incorporates an alternating pattern of white flower and gray paw print river rocks.
The third assignment was creating an enclosed bulletin board constructed with recycled materials. It is hung on the fence by the shelter’s entrance.
In an email to Stepinac, Veronica Smith, Gavin’s mother, noted: “PHS was thrilled with the painting and after completion of the project wanted to hire Gavin to paint another 24 dog pens. Gavin declined payment and volunteered another 86 hours to complete the remaining painting.”
Gavin will be formally honored for having attained scouting’s highest rank at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony in May.