Assembly member MaryJane Shimsky, above, issued the following statement concerning the discussion in the Town of Greenburgh concerning a possible incorporation of Edgemont into a village.
“I oppose the incorporation of Edgemont as a new village. I have spoken with many in the 92nd Assembly District about the issue and have found overwhelming consensus from them that this is a bad idea for our community. While I look forward to seeing CGR’s complete assessment, the study itself was done on a very compressed time frame and with a number of costly items left unexplored. Even so, none of the data they provided has changed my underlying concerns about what this would mean for Greenburgh overall.
“The issue of Edgemont incorporation has been discussed for many years and predates my time in Albany. When I arrived in the Assembly, I co-sponsored two pieces of legislation to modernize and strengthen New York’s village incorporation laws — legislation which passed during my first year in office. But, unfortunately, I had also inherited a situation where Edgemont was now cut off from Greenburgh and the rest of the district, through a redistricting process approved by my predecessor. This has set up a situation in which Edgemont is no longer represented in balance with the interests of the Town as a whole.
“Former Assemblyman Abinanti failed to pass any legislation on village incorporation during his 12 years in office, and yet has chosen to misrepresent my record for his own political gain. But, the fact remains that I never supported an exemption for Edgemont from the new laws, and I never sponsored legislation to that effect. Rather, I have spoken out and voted against a carve-out for Edgemont, and I have worked to make Greenburgh’s voice heard in Albany.
“Moving forward, I will continue to listen to the people of District 92 and provide my support for keeping unincorporated Greenburgh whole.
“Former Assemblyman Tom Abinanti is attempting to get on the ballot and challenge Shimsky in a democratic primary. Abinanti has based his run on Shinsky’s vote in the Assembly.”