By Eric Wolf Schoen
I congratulate the President of these United States for making the tough decision to end his candidacy for the most important job in the world. The man was in no physical shape to continue and would have been an embarrassment to the American people. Joe Biden did a lot of good things for the country during his service as a Congressman and Senator.. He has nothing to be ashamed of.
And now we have the delegates all lined up to support Biden’s Vice Presidential selection, Kamala Harris for the most difficult task of running this country, bringing the price of goods and services down, peace at home and abroad, and looking to be sure those who attend events around town can participate safely expressing themselves and that in which they believe in.
What do we know about Kamala Harris. Sadly not much. She was given prime responsibility for securing our nations borders and failed the task miserably! Some say in 3 1/2 years she barely kept out a single person who wanted to enter using anyway they could. Her list of accomplishments is a blank slate and no one can name anything that She has accomplished during her term. With the complex world we live in things are going to go bad if no one is minding the ship. This will be a a major problem for our country.
We watch on the The networks that the only legal means for our country to cleanse itself of its wrongs is by changing the way this country does business. But no one steps to the plate to force change. We take another pill but it doesn’t make for a better country.
Should there have been a conversation about who the nominee should be to take President Biden’s place. Would it set up challenges to see who is most qualified. Or do we let the status quo be the case, without any competition for the nomination. I would like to see fresh candidates present themself to the those responsible for the selection of those governing our land opening the doors to new ideas and fresh faces. Sadly that will not be the case and there are many unhappy with the process.
Donald Trump will be very hard to beat because people do not like the direction this country is going in. Harris raised the most amount of money ever for a candidacy for President in a few days, and I firmly believe A good fight for the nomination would have been good for this primary challenge period.
So we sit back in the television chair and await the outcome. Will there be enough people concerned with issues like Abortion where we know Trump and Harris Have major differences to throw the race to the Democratic nominee? All I can tell you to do is watch and wait!
And don’t believe for a Republican second that the Republican Party is as unified as was shown on television. That simply will never be the way it it is!
Can you believe the embarrassment the head of the Secret Service brought to congress this week! Every Time we have a major issue with security on Capitol Hill it ends up the secret service did something to screw things up.Democratic and Republican, no matter the party that is in power in Congress things simply go crazy.
Fortunately the head of the Secret Service tendered her resignation after she made a complete fool of herself appearing before Congress. We worry about the protection of our Presidents, his Counselors and advisors less than we worry about security of officials stationed abroad. This has to stop. Bring the money from abroad back to America, and make sure we have those in charge with the knowledge they need and the backup power they require to keep our officials and public safe. If we can’t do this we will have to cut off access to our officials from the public something we certainly do not want to do.
The massive computer failure we had last weekend continues through press time. A friend went to a supermarket where the failure had hit, and could not buy his groceries. So many people I know got stuck at the airport waiting days for flights to take them to their destination. We never knew about the Cloud Strike thing before the blackout, and pray it never happens again. This event just goes to show the power of computers in our lives, and garbage in, garbage out. Congress must hold hearing on this mess as in the end it will cost us billlions of dollars.
Almost a month after the Primary Election I still see signs for Tom Abinati and other politicians illegally placed on public ground. I saw the most ridiculous letter from the head of police in Hastings saying that people cannot remove campaign signs from municipal property and if they did they would get arrested. With the exception of Yonkers. Which has an active illegal sign removal program, rather successful than other towns the laws regarding the placement of signs are haphazardly enforced causing signs all over illegally placed on public Land and causing sign pollution.
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!