By Dan Murphy
The countdown to the democratic primary on June 22 has begun, and six Yonkers democrats are on the ballot, looking to beat councilman john rubbo in the 4th council district, and Corazon Pineda-Issac, council majority leader in the 2nd district. And in the 6th district two democrats are looking to become the nominee against republican councilmember Anthony Merante.
In the 2nd Council District, in Southwest Yonkers, three challengers and Councilwoman Corazon Pineda-Issac will be on the ballot June 22. The challengers are Cristal Suazo, Annette Yarber and Jose Roman.
Christal Suazo is running as the progressive, outsider. “It’s time for new leadership in our community! My opponent has been there 8 years too long. I’m the candidate that can bring progressive leadership for our City. I will work hard for you.”
Suazo also posted about the importance of small businesses, and her parents. “Our economy couldn’t run without small mom and pop businesses. They create economic growth and provide almost 70% of all new jobs in the country.That’s why every year on March 29 we acknowledge the more than 27 million small businesses in this country by celebrating National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. My parents are also a small business owners, My Dad has tractor trailers and delivers everyday general merchandise to all North East areas, I am so proud of the dedication and all they have done to make our family happy.”
Both Jose Roman and Annette Garber do not have an active social media or website accounts. We also could not find a current photo that we could use. Please email us to include you in the disucssion, dmurphy@risingmediagroup.com .
In the 4th district, Educator Carlos Burgos won a rather lenghty court battle to appear on the ballot, against councilman John Rubbo. Both will now appear on the ballot June 22.
Burgos told Yonkers Rising that the attempts to keep him off the ballot were “about trying to get people not to run. I’ve been talking to democrats across the city who are not happy with him so I know why they don’t want to have an opponent.”
Burgos contrasted his “progressive platform” with Councilman Rubbo. “I’m creating and evolving my platform based on information from people going door to door and on the phone. We need to be more transparent and find out how we are spending, and funding for our schools.”
The roads in Yonkers were another item that Burgos highlighted. “Our roads have been neglected and it’s the same potholes that some of us have memorized for years. We also need increased lighting in specific areas.”
Burgos also said that senior’s are “a group that needs attention. At the Senior Center on McLean, we have been asking for compliance and help with the bathrooms and windows. It’s not sanitary.”
Burgos has a Masters Degree in Education and is getting his PHD at Rutgers for Higher Education. “I feel strongly that democrats will come out and vote. They want change and I have had positive reactions to my campaign. Visit Carlos4 yonkers.com, for more information.
Burgos is a first time candidate. So is Stella Schwuchow, who is running in a democratic primary in the 6th council district. Schwuchow, recently received the endorsement of the Civil Service Employees Association CSEA, Southern Regional Office Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO.
CSEA is a labor union in the state of New York that represents employees in state and local governments, as well as school districts, child care, and the private sector jobs. In Yonkers alone, there are over 1,500 civil service workers, which includes school aides, bus monitors, clerks, custodians, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, safety officers, nurses, and technology staff. CSEA is considered the backbone of the Yonkers Public Schools.
A statement from her campaign reads, “Stella is a rising community leader who has been fighting to support the unions, especially those involved in education. She is a former middle school English teacher with her Masters Degree in Education and a Board of Director of the AAA All-Star Program, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization that helps children in Yonkers express themselves through the Athletics, Academics and the Arts.
“This acknowledges Stella’s commitment to addressing the needs of all issues affecting workers and families in the Yonkers Public School system. As primary elections are approaching, the Stella Schwuchow campaign continues to build momentum as more organizations are expected to come forward with their endorsements.”
Schuwuchow is running against Tim Hodges for the democratic nomination in the 6th district. His campaign writes, “Hodges, a former Yonkers Police Department Deputy Chief, is making his first run for office and is a life-long Yonkers resident, a homeowner, father, and husband. Tim Hodges grew up in very humble beginnings- growing up on Caryl Avenue with his very tight knit family. Tim Hodges has spent the last three decades as a first responder previously holding the rank of Yonkers Deputy Police Chief and now currently holding a position in St. John’s Hospital as the Head of Security.
“Through his capacity as Deputy Police Chief, Hodges implemented many safety programs to keep our streets safe including the Gun Buy Back Program to keep our streets safe from guns that should not be on our streets. Tim Hodges also played in an integral role in making sure our schools have proper safety protocols in place and proper drills are completed.
“Tim Hodges is also a compassionate- community activist. Hodges is ready to give a hand to anyone in the community who needs help serving in the Rotary Club and the Mexican Chamber of Commerce, just to name a few organizations.”
Hodges is said to be on the campaign trail, knocking on doors as his photo shows. These are the council challengers. Next week we interview Majority Leader Pineda-Issac and Councilman Rubbo.
We will then move to the County Board races in Yonkers and the Council Presidents race. Email your letters to risingmediagroup@gmail.com. Also send us any debate information that we have not published. There are several opportunities for you to watch and learn about all of the candidates running.
And all of these races are democratic primaries, so if you are not a registered democrat, you cannot vote on June 22.