By Verris Shako, Esq. Democrat for Yonkers City Court Judge
Do not assume your usual Election Day polling site will be open on November 3rd,- Election Day! With so many polling sites closed or changed due to the pandemic, knowing how, where and when to vote in the upcoming General Election is crucial.
If you voted in the Democratic Primary in June, Great! Now you will have to vote again in the General Election in November! The June primary determined the Democratic candidates on the ballot for the General election and the General election will determine who will be elected! If you did not vote in June, then start planning your vote now to ensure your vote is
Citizens who will be eighteen years of age on Election Day November 3rd should immediately register to vote ONLINE at https://voterreg.dmv.ny.gov/MotorVoter/ or complete a voter registration form at any public library.
Due to the pandemic there are three ways to vote in the General Election:
- Early Voting from October 24 to November 1st at the Grinton I. Will Library at 1500 Central Park Avenue or the Riverfront Library at 1 Larkin Center, the hours to vote are: Saturday and Sundays 12 noon to 5pm, Monday-Wednesday-Friday 8am to 4pm and Tuesday & Thursday 12pm to 8pm for this nine day period. You will be able to cast your vote for all your chosen candidates from President to our local races. You will be able to cast your vote for your next Yonkers City Court Judge.
2. Vote on Election Day, November 3rd at your designated polling station You can find and review your polling site at https://voterlookup.elections.ny.gov/ or call the Board of Elections (BOE) at (914) 995-5700 to inquire.
- Vote by Absentee Ballot if you absolutely cannot vote in person. Request your absentee ballot ONLINE immediately at https://absenteeballot.elections.ny.gov/. This online request tool only requires your county of residence, name, date of birth and zip code to request your absentee ballot to vote by mail.
THERE IS NO ONLINE VOTING. You can request your ballot electronically, but you cannot submit your vote electronically. If you are unable to request your ballot online, then you can pick up a copy of the paper absentee ballot application at your local public library or request a copy by calling the BOE at (914) 995-5700.
Once you complete the application, mail it to the Westchester Board of Elections (25 Quarropas Street, White Plains, NY 10601) immediately as your application must be postmarked by October 27. The actual ballot
(that you vote on) must be postmarked by November 3 for your vote to be
counted. Voting in person is always ideal as you will not have to worry about your ballot getting lost in the mail or arriving at the BOE by the deadline date.
This year presents a unique opportunity to vote on candidates that bring the daily perspective of Yonkers residents to the bench. Attorney Verris Shako is a Democratic Nominee for Yonkers City Court Judge who has practiced in this Court for fifteen years and has over a decade of experience in family court. SHAKO understands that people want to be treated qually and fairly on their legal matters.
Visit Shako2020.com or call (914) 979-1372 to learn more about Verris and why you should cast your vote for SHAKO in the upcoming election.Health care professionals wear a mask non-stop during their shift. We have no excuse not to wear a mask for the limited time we are out. Wear a mask and reduce exposure.