“Shoplifters and Thieves Beware – Stay Out of Yonkers”

Yonkers Police Commissioner Chris Sapienza, at podium, with Mayor Mike Spano, Councilman John Rubbo, County Legisltor James Nolan outside of Marshall’s on Central Park Avenue. Photo by Maurice Mercado

Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano and Yonkers Police Department Address Increase in Shoplifting and Property Crimes in the City of Yonkers.

Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano today joined Yonkers Police Commissioner Christopher Sapienza to announce the deployment of the Yonkers Police Department’s latest initiative to combat a recent increase in larcenies among big box retail stores. Year over year, reported shoplifting incidents in the City of Yonkers have doubled and total property crimes have increased 10%.

“While overall crime in Yonkers has decreased dramatically in the last 10 years, the rise in property crimes in the last year, specifically with shoplifting, is concerning and requires immediate action,” said Mayor Spano. “Our obligation is to serve and protect our businesses and their customers, and with the precision approach by our police department to these offenses, we can drive out these criminals. These thieves are looking at shoplifting as a sport, but we want them to know – it’s game over when they get to Yonkers.”

Yonkers Police released its multi-unit approach to target these crimes, especially for those occurring at some of the City’s hot spots along Central Park Avenue:

  • Directed patrols: institute for major box stores
  • Pattern Crimes Unit: deploy in a plain clothes capacity and are posted in major retail parking lots to intercept offenders
  • Crime Control Strategies Unit: identify top offenders and recidivists and informs police resources
  • Neighborhood Stabilization Team: increase deployment of foot patrols along highly-trafficked shopping centers and recently burglarized businesses
  • Crime Control Strategies Unit: work closely with the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for case enhancement and heightened prosecution
  • Communications Division: elevate the priority level of calls for service regarding shoplifting-in-progress to expedite police response
  • Field Intelligence Officers: follow-up on uncleared incidents, focusing on suspected recidivists
  • Precinct Commanders: meet with businesses and retailers, offer guidance for target-hardening, crime prevention awareness, and ensure cooperation with reporting and prosecution

“Shoplifters and thieves beware – stay out of Yonkers,” said Police Commissioner Christopher Sapienza. “You will get arrested for your crimes and we will do everything in our power to hold you accountable to the full extent of the law. There is no such thing as a victimless crime and the Yonkers Police will not allow criminals to degrade the quality-of-life in our fair City.”

Commissioner Sapienza also noted that many of the perpetrators of these crimes are shoplifting recidivists and continue to be released into the community to reoffend. The City’s top three shoplifting recidivists have been charged 14 times collectively since December 2022 for misdemeanors or felonies in Yonkers and surrounding municipalities.

“While we are working diligently to apprehend and charge these criminals, we also are chasing our tails with repeat offenders, preventing our PD from operating proactively because we are going after the same people,” Mayor Spano added. “Our residents and businesses deserve better.”

From December 2022 to February 2023, there were 162 reported shoplifting incidents in the City of Yonkers. Many more incidents are not reported by local retailers.

Mayor Spano commented, “We need a commitment from our local businesses. We want to keep them in Yonkers and thrive here, so their partnership in charging those who commit crimes in their stores is the first step in stemming this tide.”

To report a crime in progress, call 9-1-1. Residents can share anonymous information with the Yonkers Police by submitting a tip online at www.yonkersny.gov/ypd or texting the keyword ‘YPD’ plus the tip to CRIMES (274637).

View full press conference here.