Marty Dolan

Assemblymember MaryJane Shimsky

MaryAnn Carr

Tom Abinanti
By Dan Murphy
Political news in Westchester includes announcements by three Westchester democrats who are running for Congress and Assembly.
Former Assemblyman Tom Abinanti is collecting signatures to challenge Assemblywoman MaryJane Shimsky in a democratic primary in June. Abinanti, who served for 12 years in the Assembly, lost his seat to Shimsky in 2022.
Abinanti said that he has “been asked by community leaders to run again,” and “They feel that my successor has not been a strong enough advocate for the community.”
One of the major reasons for Abinanti’s decision is the passage of recent state legislation which would make it easier for the community of Edgemont, in the Town of Greenburgh, to incorporate as a Village.
This law has caused a split in the Greenburgh community, with those opposed and in favor. Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner is collecting signatures for Abinanti and has been vocal in his belief that the removal of Edgemont would create a budget funding gap in the Town of Greenburgh budget.
“This Assembly race, this is really a one-issue campaign in my opinion,” Feiner said. “Do we have a representative in Albany that’s going to fight to keep the town whole or is somebody going to stab the town in the back? I’m very disappointed with the (state) legislation.”
“Community leaders in Greenburgh are very angry that instead of continuing the efforts that I was making to protect Greenburgh from the disastrous impacts of Edgemont separating itself (from the town) and forming a village, Assemblywoman Shimsky sponsored legislation which makes it easier for Edgemont to leave,” said Abinanti who lost in 2022 by 900 votes.
Assemblywoman Shimsky issued a statement which read, “It’s been my honor and privilege to serve the people of the 92nd Assembly District. I look forward to continuing to work on their behalf with my colleagues in the New York State Assembly, and to providing the best possible services and quality of life.”
Supporters of Shimsky claim that she never supported the legislation, only the right for the people of Edgemont to determine their own future.
Abinanti hopes to make a formal announcement at the end of March, after his supporters obtain enough signatures to get on the ballot for the democratic primary.
Both Abinanti and Feiner have said that the loss of Edgemont, and its wealthy tax base, would require tax increases and layoffs for the remainder of town. If elected, Abinanti would also continue his advocacy for state funding for people with disabilities.
The 92nd Assembly district includes –Greenburgh, a small part of Yonkers and the Town of Mount Pleasant.
Another Westchester democrat, Irvington financial advisor Marty Dolan announced that he was no longer running for Congress in NY-16, but instead will challenge Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (AOC) in a democratic primary in New York City.
Dolan, an experienced strategist and investor, has, over the past 40 years, helped solve complex problems internationally in the UK. “I am excited to formally announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for New York’s 14th Congressional District.
“The June 25th, 2024 primary will be a referendum: are we better or worse off from following Radical policies? We are all for the “progress” implied by the word Progressive. However, within the Progressive movement, there are Radicals whose influence on the Democratic Party is overweight.
“The impact in NYC is obvious: bail reform a disaster, the National Guard in the subway, toothpaste locked up in drugstores but criminals running free, scarce resources directed to (non-sanctuary) immigrants coming from all over the world.
“These difficulties must be addressed in the context of a runaway $34 trillion federal debt and NYC’s 14% marginal tax rate. Regional tax inequality is far more exaggerated in the USA than in any other country. Losing 500,000 taxpayers is unsustainable: fixing this must be our overwhelming priority. Enough is enough,” said Dolan, whose campaign is currently out collecting signatures in the 14th District, which includes parts of Queens and the Bronx.
In Westchester’s other Congressional race, NY-17, there is a third candidate in the race between Congressman Mike Lawler and former Congressman Mondaire Jones. Democrat MaryAnn Carr is out collecting signatures and recently called for a cease fire in Gaza.
“The current situation in the Middle East is untenable and has resulted in immense suffering for innocent civilians,” said Carr. “It is imperative that we put an end to the violence and work towards a sustainable peace that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals,” said Carr, who if she can submit the 1300 valid signatures required, will face off in a Democratic Primary against Jones in June.
Carr served as the Supervisor of the Town of Bedford, the former Chair of the Bedford Democratic Committee and First Vice-chair of Westchester County Democratic Committee. She has also built a diverse career as an independent businesswoman at multinational businesses as an Information Technology professional.
“If you believe that every single voice deserves to be heard. If you have ever been told to sit down, surrender, remain quiet, join me in building a future where the promise of America is real for every one of us,” said Carr.