Yonkers City Councilmember Shanae Williams, who is running for Westchester County Clerk in a democratic primary on June 22, has the endorsement from two Yonkers democrats: Assemblymember Nader Sayegh and City Council candidate in the 4th district, Tim Hodges.
“It was great to be out last night to support Yonkers’ own @shanae4clerk ! We have seen Councilwoman Williams advocate for Yonkers passionately in the past and to have Councilwoman Williams serve as County Clerk would be a great thing for our County! I look forward to working with Shanae Williams in the future,” said Hodges.
“Make history and vote Shanae for County Clerk on June 22nd,” said Assemblymember Sayegh, perhaps the most prominent Yonkers democrat to endorse Williams, who also received the endorsement of newspaper and website Black Westchester.
Williams is running a serious campaign against incubment democrat County Clerk Tim Idoni. Her campaign includes TV commercials, mailings and a progressive message of change.
Williams also recently ran into rapper Ja Rule, at a business opening in Yonkers. “Anyone who has ever done karaoke with me knows at some point in the night I’m singing one of Ja Rule’s songs… yeah I’m a fan fan! lol I think he knows that now. What an awesome guy! Thanks for coming to my City and District to support a local business,” said Williams
No word on whether Ja Rule gave Williams an endorsement.
