Senator Mayer Has an Opponent:

Dr. Liviu Saimovic in 37th District

Senator Shelley Mayer
Dr. Liviu Saimovici

By Dan Murphy

While most of the elections for State Senate and Assembly in Westchester on November 3 are uncontested, with democratic candidates running unopposed, in the 37th Senate District, which includes almost half of the county, there are two candidates on the ballot. State Senator Shelley Mayer is seeking re-election, and her republican challenger is Dr. Liviu Saimovici.
Senator Mayer has represented the 37th District for the past three years, and is currently the Chair of the powerful State Senate Education Committee. After representing Yonkers in the Assembly for 6 yeras, Mayer was elected to the State Senate seat formerly held by the County Executive George Latimer and has quickly become one of the most respected elected officials in the county.

“During COVID, I have been very much on the ground working on constituent affairs. I have helped over 700 people receive their unemployment benefits. I have made it my business to help individuals who need assistance,” said Sen. Mayer. “During the height of the pandemic here in Westchester, I was working to get PPE for our hospital staff and fire fighters. We have been working at food distributions and handing out 10,000 masks and sanitizer. There has been a need in Port Chester, and New Rochelle and all over the district.”

Mayer said that as the Chair of the State Senate Education Committee, “I have been very involved with education issues locally with each school district, concerning COVID and re-opening. We have made sure that the Governor’s office, and the State Education Department, have heard all voices in this discussion.”

Senator Mayer called Chairing the Education Committee “an incredible responsibility but a great opportunity to serve. I feel fortunate to be able to speak with so many parents, teachers and students, who don’t always have the strongest voice. I appreciate Senator Stewart-Cousins for appointing me to this position and I always try to respect and help my republican colleagues across the state to try to help there schools and students.

In Yonkers, Senator Mayer remains attune the the challenges facing the Yonkers Public Schools. “ I am in regular touch with Superintendent Quezada and BOE President Lopez, and I am close touch wiht the YFT and CSEA. I also work closely with the PTA and new parents groups. I don’t run the school district but I fight for the Yonekrs schools in Albany.”

Together with Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Mayer was albe to convince the Governor’s office and the State Office of Budget not to make a 20% cut to State Aid for the YPS. That intervention was critical to avoid layoffs of teachers and staff.

“I view my role to focus on the state process and the impacts that it will have in Yonkers. I continue to advocate for the students, and I understand that a majority of parents and kids want the schools to be open. It’s been hard for everyone.”

One issue that Sen. Mayer wanted to clarify during our interview were “misrepresentations” in the public and the media, and modifications made to New York’s Bail Reform law. The issue has become a hot button topic for supporters of law enforcement and the discussion over who should be incarcerated and for how long.

“When we did the bail reform bill, it was before the death of George Floyd. I had heard from police chiefs about concerns over repeat offenders committing misdemeanor offenses that were no longer eligible for bail. And people were upset.

“I pushed to get significant modifications to the law and now those who commit the same crime of damage to property or a person, the 2nd offense is now bail eligible. We also made changes to include domestic violence offenses. We acknowledged that there needed to be changes and now it is a better law. I appeared before many village boards in the middle of COVID, to have a conversation about this and we heard their concerns and made improvements,” said Mayer.

Mayer said she is taking her re-election “very seriously.” I never take any election for granted and I work for the people’s vote every day as their Senator. Constituent services is an important part of my offices reputation and I personally handle many of those requests myself.

“I know that I have a responsibility to the people in the district to stand up and fight for them. This is a time for leadership and I know that I have more to achieve for my district, and I would be honored to have your vote. I’m not sitting back on my laurels, and I’m very comfortable having a conversation with those who disagree. This ia a trying time for everyone.”

Dr. Liviu Saimovici is an Ophthalmologist and a member of the Mt Sinai Hospital Medical Staff. He is a Deputy Chief Police Surgeon for the New York State Troopers and has served as a Director of the New York Law Enforcement Foundation.

Two issues that “Dr. Liv” highlighted during a recent interview on WVOX was that he believes that students should return to school during COVID, and his strong support for law enforcement.

“COVID-19 has become purely political at this point. COVID-related deaths are back to pre-pandemic levels, yet the Democrats insist on keeping everything closed because of the upcoming election. We must put our children back in schools (safely and gradually), let small businesses reopen at a greater capacity and stop letting politics get in the way of prosperity and our children’s future,” said Dr. Liv.

On his support for law enforcement, Dr. Liv said, “Last year, radical politicians in Albany put our public safety at risk with their misguided bail and discovery “reforms.” My top priority is to repeal the disastrous bail and discovery reforms that make our community less safe.

“Will Senator Mayer stand with our local law enforcement agencies and for public safety, or will she cave to radical elements within her party? Voters in the 37th Senate District have a right to know,” concluded Dr. Saimovici.

“Our police departments across New York’s 37th Senate District provide a critical service to our local communities,” said Dr. Liv. “The push by far-left Democrats across New York state to ‘defund’ and dismantle police departments puts public safety at risk, and voters have a right to know if Shelley Mayer stands with the radical elements of her party.”

Dr. Saimovici, who lives in Rye with his wife and daughter, came to America from Romania in 1972 in search of a better life.