‘Secrets’ of the ‘Service’ of Protection

By Eric Wolf Schoen

Let me start out by wishing former President Trump a speedy recovery from the gunshot that almost killed him over the weekend at a rally in Pennsylvania. This should not happen to any candidate for public office or sitting public official. In America, our battles take place on Election Day at the ballot box, not with gunfire at a campaign rally where people go to exercise their right to Freedom of Speech and to listen to the candidate they support. 

Sadly, no matter all the security provided at an event by local authorities and Secret Service, if some crazy 22 year old man wants to get a gun and ammunition to attempt To kill a former President of this great land, they are going to figure out a way to do it using their demented mind. We can and must put all roadblocks in their way, but we have seen it time and time again that a crazy person will figure out the way to accomplish their goal.

The security of our Public Officials and the American people has to change based on the dynamics of 2024. People involved in this process have to be willing to change with the times or retire. There are few ‘Secrets’ of the ‘Service’ of Protection anymore in the fast paced, media driven world we live in, so let’s not make believe we know everything and the enemy knows nothing. 

Why is it that every time there is a security breach where the Secret Service serves as lead agency, leaders of those charged with protecting our public officials claim they did not have the necessary tools to do the job given the amount of work they are given. In a Presidential Election year does the head of the Secret Service ask for extra man or woman power and is turned down by our lawmakers? If that is the case fire the Lawmakers! 

We worry so much about protecting the world but we can’t even protect the lawmakers who pass the legislation paying the Secret Service! Something seriously wrong with this picture. We need to take some of the resources from abroad and bring them back to American shores to protect our officials and the public. And frankly, if the Secret Service doesn’t know what to do, the leadership in the organization has to go. 

We have excellent police departments from Yonkers, NY to York, Pennsylvania, but can local police and Secret Service coexist when their roles are not spelled out clearly. The local officials know the local venues quite often better than the Secret service as the locals are in the facilities daily, but in the case of last weekend it appeared that roles were not clearly Delineated. 

How could the shooter get to the top of a building guarded by local officials due to its proximity to the venue, be seen by many who alerted officials a man was on the roof and nothing was done about this? Lord we have drones for everything in the world today, but none at an important event like this! Was there nothing flying in the sky from federal nor local officials that would recognize this gunman a lone man standing on a rooftop with a gun? 

A local law enforcement official got on the roof of the building a minute before the President was shot at. He saw the man had a gun. We. We’ll never know why he retreated and did not shoot the man, but this is being investigated. 

Could the Secret service sharpshooters have fired on the man who shot the President? They were close enough but did not. A retired Los Angeles Police Department SWAT team sniper who reviewed social media video of the shooting, said he saw a slight delay before Secret Service snipers fired on gunman. He said the delay was caused by the ‘agents’ trying to find their target. Another big question that needs answers. 

I could go on for days with questions I as layman have on what occurred here. You probably have many questions too! I hope Congress explores this matter thoroughly. Let’s be clear. There have been problems with the Secret Service under Democratic and Republican administrations. Let’s not make the investigation partisan. 

The Secret Service decided after the events of last weekend to give RFK, JR. protection based on the terrible tragedies his family experienced. I have no problem with that but if I decide to run for President or you do, I would expect that we get the same Secret Service protection RFK, JR. will receive. Our lives are just as important! 

I am greatly disturbed by the many Anti-Trumpsters who expressed glee regarding  what occurred. You should be ashamed of yourselves.Trump is not wearing the ear bandage for sympathy. This is not god punishing Trump because many disagree with him on the issues. There are some calling this God’s retaliation against Trump and his family. Some say the gunman is a Republican in a Republican State fed up with the actions of the Republican Party. For those individuals with conspiracy theories I say stop the nonsense. 

All we can do is everything within our power and the power of local, state, federal and Secret Service authorities to try to stop this from happening again. Pray it doesn’t. And the Secrets of the Service of protection here need a thorough review and maybe a change in leadership at the agency! There is no time to waste. Our electeds with Secret Service protection deserve nothing less! 

As we go to press former President Trump finally called the widow of the firefighter who died protecting his family during this tragic episode. I’m sorry but this should have been the first call he made before he hit the golf course! 


Congratulations to the St. Mary’s Church family in Yonkers on the landmark status approved by the City Council. After the vote I put Bing Crosby singing THE BELLS OF ST. MARY on the victrola and in my Facebook post! It truly is a beautiful church! 

I went to Herman Keith’s house years ago and saw this funny looking swimming pool in his backyard. I later found out it was the County sewage treatment plant! We lost Brother Herman and I thank Yonkers Rising Editor Dan Murphy for his story on him. The Journal News did no story on Herman, a man who through his work changed Yonkers. They are busy writing about Lobster rolls. Herman was a friend to many And he will be missed.

Senator Menendez from New Jersey was convicted on all counts brought against him. He’s not from WESTCHESTER or New York for that matter, but he is from the tristate area. His actions reflect negatively on New York,New Jersey and Connecticut and on the United States Senate. He must resign immediately. 

Have you tried to call Verizon or Con Ed lately. No one wants to deal with their websites online. My sister was put on hold for 55 minutes by Verizon and over an hour by Con Edison Customer Service. These wait times are unacceptable. The State must tell the utilities they have to improve on these wait times. Make sure with this heat you have the emergency phone number for your utility company programmed into your cell phone. 

Let’s end with something positive. As we go to press, Panera’s popular Blueberry Bagel has returned. Many look forward to this occasion year round! Another exclusive. Their Sesame bagel will also be returning! Meanwhile it’s hot out there. Hydrate with water before you go out the door! 

Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!