Christine Sculti
By Dan Murphy
In 2021, republican Christine Sculti ran for Westchester County Executive against democrat George Latimer. During that campaign, Sculti refused to participate in the League of Women Voters debate against now Congressman Latimer.
Now four years later and Sculti is once again the GOP nominee for County Executive. And, once again, unfortunately, Sculti has declined to participate in a LWV debate days before a special election will be held for County Executive on Feb. 11.
Here is the release. “The League of Women Voters of Westchester announces that it will not be holding a Candidate Forum for the Westchester County Executive Special Election. Democratic candidate Ken Jenkins had stated that he would be available for the proposed February 3, 2025, virtual candidate forum. However, Republican candidate Christine Sculti declined the League’s invitation to participate.
“A candidates’ meeting with only one candidate present is an “empty chair” meeting, and is not permitted under LWVW rules and its policy of nonpartisanship. LWVW regrets that this important proposed educational event for voters had to be cancelled.
“This is a lost opportunity for the public to hear directly from candidates during a virtual event or post-event recording and to address their own questions to them through electronic submission,” stated Westchester County League President Kathy Meany. “We strive to run forums in a respectful, non-partisan environment that encourages civil discourse and allows candidates to address voters’ inquiries and concerns. It is a disappointment that there will be no such opportunity for voters residing in Westchester to learn more about the candidates running for County Executive in this Special Election.”
Here’s what we wrote four years ago. Are political debates fast becoming a thing of the past? The Westchester League of Women Voters, LWV, longtime sponsors of candidate forums in Westchester County, announced on Sept. 27 that they were canceling their upcoming forums for County Executive and County Clerk because of the lack of participation of the Republican candidate for County Executive, Christine Sculti, and the GOP candidate for County Clerk, Scooter Scott.
The Democratic candidates in both races, incumbent Westchester County Executive George Latimer and incumbent Westchester County Clerk both accepted the League of Women Voters’ invitation to participate, but the organization’s policy requires at least two participants for a candidates forum to be held.
In recent years, some republicans have been reluctant to participate in LWV debates for what some believe is a democratic bias in some forums against republican candidates.
But as one westchester republican told us, “You have to participate in any and all debates to get your message out and hope for a newsworthy event or slip up from your opponent. Especially, if you are the challenger, you have to get into any exchange you can with County Exec. Latimer and County Clerk Idoni. It’s kind of like waiving the white flag not to do so.” End of prior story.
We understand the “gripe” from Westchester republicans, which we have heard for some time, that there is a “democratic bias” favoring Westchester dems.
But even if that is true, it is not enough to boycott, and not let the people of Westchester meet you and hear from you, and contrast your views with your opponent.
Chris Sculti had some issues to run on this year. She’s has articulated those views on social media. She should have attended the debate and presented those views.
Clearly, County Executive Ken Jenkins has more experience in these types of forums. But you never know what may happen in debates. Sculti could have hoped for the best and given it her best shot.
Democrats hold a massive enrollment edge in Westchester County. That is a fact, and those voters are inclined to support democrats.
So what? Does that mean Sculti or any republican should throw in the towel, which is what passing on the one big debate appears to look like.
If you want to lead Westchester County, then stand up and tell them why they should vote for you at the League of Women Voters debate.
I have watched many republicans do just fine in LWV debates. It’s not impossible.
Note: District Attorney Susan Cacace, a democrat, skipped last year’s LWV forum. So, people from both parties opt out on occasion.