SAM-NY Names Verni Westchester County Leader

John Verni

SAM-NY, the state’s newest official political party, has named John Verni as Westchester County leader. Verni, a local attorney, businessman and board member of numerous community organizations, joined SAM to help fix our current broken political system. Discouraged by the extreme partisanship demonstrated by the major political parties, he vows to support candidates who will focus on solving the many problems that face our county, our state and our country.

“The two-party system has failed us,” he said. “We need more voices in our Democracy, not fewer voices. We need SAM to change our politics from a corrupt win-at-all-cost system to one that fosters cooperation between all people for the common good.

“Our politics has become too divisive. National issues are too often injected into local elections. People to work together regardless of political affiliation to solve problems in our local communities. There is no Democratic or Republican way to pick up the trash. By working together and serving our communities, we serve America.”

Verni said his immediate focus is building the party membership and organization throughout the county. Feb. 14 is the deadline to register as a SAM voter in order to sign candidate petitions and vote in primary elections this year. Anyone interested in getting involved or learning more about SAM can go to or email Verni at