The good people at the Yonkers Salvation Army have been on the front lines helping the Yonkers community during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Individuals who need assistance have been provided grocery bags and food from the Salvation Army in the first weeks of this crisis.
Some of the outreach and help that the Salvation Army has provided last month and this month include, keeping open their food pantry available to everyone, dropping off grocery bags of food to seniors who cannot get out, providing meals for residents and medical staff at nursing homes and at St. John’s and St. Joseph’s Hospitals.
The number of people the Salvation Army in Yonkers has assisted in recent weeks is the same as they usually serve in a 6 month period. As a result, they have exceeded their resources, but would like to continue to help the community.
Please consider making a donation of food items, sanitary itmes or a monetary donation. Online donation can be made to the Salvation Army Yonkers direct link ——(igfn.us/f/2rei/n)
Donations can also be received by texting ‘Yonkers’ to 41444., or by mailing a check to Salvation Army Yonkers, 110 New Main Street, Yonkers NY 10701.
Special thanks to Lt. Neekenson Fils-Aime, Commanding Officer/Pastor for the Salvation Army Yonkers for all of your hard work in serving the people of Yonkers who need it most. For more information call (914)-963-1222, Email:Neekenson.Fils-Aime@USE.SalvationArmy.org