On June 30, the Yorktown Police Department posted the following: “At or about 4:20 p.m., three individuals entered the Yorktown Pharmacy. One suspect stood at the front door, while two others proceeded to go behind the cash register area of the pharmacy and remove narcotic substances from the shelves. One of the employees of Yorktown Pharmacy alertly used a landline phone to call 911, leaving the phone line open so that our officers were able to listen in. It saved us valuable time and we were at the Pharmacy in less that two minutes, quick enough that YPD Officer Greg Palladino and Brandon Montero observe the suspect vehicle leaving the area. The suspect vehicle was then involved in a motor vehicle accident, injuring two victims (non-life threatening injuries) at the Underhill Ave./Route 118 intersection. The three suspects then bailed, running on foot up Underhill Ave. toward Rochambeau Court.
Officer Palladino and Officer Montero gave chase on foot and apprehended one of the suspects. Another suspect was captured a short time later, hiding in a shared utility shed near Rochambeau Court. The third suspect was taken into custody at or about 8:15 pm., hitch-hiking on Route 118 near Old Country Way. Now, we need to thank and praise a few folks:
The staff at Yorktown Pharmacy. What a crew. Must have been scared a bit. They kept their cool and made a quick 911 that allowed us the opportunity to do what we do. Bravo to Raj and crew.
The Westchester County Police Department, led on scene by Chief Luciano, who worked with Lieutenant Foley and me to command the efforts of the boots on the ground. I can’t say enough good things about our friends at County PD. Aviation Unit, K9’s, SRT, you name it. We work well together. You guys have some team. Always reassuring to work like this with you. Job well done!
And, lastly, to everyone who called in with sightings, tips, offers of food, water and to utilize any video feed of this incident in an attempt to assist all of the above agencies, THANK YOU. You “helped us, help you.” We’re at our best when the community assists us. We all won tonight. We’ve got three accused suspects in custody and our team is now researching the appropriate charges and identifying these suspects. If you gave us a call tonight, have a smile, maybe a beverage of your choice, and sleep soundly,” Proudly, Chief Noble
The three suspects, Shaka K. Horton, 33, Isaac J. Brito, 29, and Delijah I. Jeter, 25, were charged with second-degree robbery, a felony, and several misdemeanors, including reckless endangerment, criminal possession of stolen property and unlawfully fleeing an officer. They are being held in the Westchester County Jail on $100,000 cash bail.
The Yorktown Pharmacy, known by Rexall by many old time Yorktowners, is one of the oldest businesses in Yorktown.