Revolutionary Westchester 250 Celebrates The Return of Benedict Arnold

Sean Grady & Gary Petagine, Portray Major Andre and Benedict Arnold

By Dan Murphy

Benedict Arnold is perhaps the best known traitor in American history. Arnold was a Major General in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. He had the complete trust and respect of General George Washington, who put Arnold in command of West Point.

Arnold then became infamous for working with and spying for the British Army. Once his acts became known, he fled to the British Army, with his name forever being associated with treason and betrayal.

While Arnold’s name and reputation have disappeared from the American vernacular, Revolutionary Westchester 250 is bringing the story of Arnold and the capture of his attaché Major John Andre, and their connection to Westchester County, back to life with several September events.

On Sunday, September 8, in partnership with Revolutionary Westchester 250, Rockefeller State Park Preserve is excited to announce a special performance in honor of a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Rendezvous with Treason: The André/Arnold Conspiracy. This dramatic portrayal by Sean Grady & Gary Petagine shares the history of two of the most intriguing characters in the American Revolution – Major John André and General Benedict Arnold and their fateful meeting in Haverstraw, New York in September of 1780.

The events following their collusion played out across Putnam, Westchester and Rockland Counties. The production allows these infamous men an opportunity to tell their side of the story and their motivation behind the plot that could have ended the cause for independence.

Running time: 50 minutes, followed by Q&A. PLEASE NOTE: This special program will take place at the Pocantico Hills Fire Department 531 Bedford Rd, Tarrytown, NY 10591 Cost: FREE, registration required at

On September 11, Philipse Manor Hall hosts a talk on the real story behind Andre and Arnold and their treason. Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site and the Friends of Philipse Manor Hall are pleased to host Char Weigel from Revolutionary Westchester 250 for “The Real Story: André, Arnold and Treason of the Blackest Dye,” a virtual talk on the recent research behind the capture of John André and the treason of Benedict Arnold. The talk will be broadcast virtually via WebEx on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

On September 23, 1780, Tarrytown was the site of an event that likely altered the outcome of the Revolutionary War: the capture of British spy Major John André and discovery of American General Benedict Arnold’s treason. Almost immediately, fabrications and fake news sprang up, myths that persist in today’s popular imagination. This presentation will correct the record with the real story of the capture by three honest Westchester militiamen and introduce new research on Arnold’s disclosure of two Westchester-based double agents.

Char Weigel is VP for Special Projects for Revolutionary Westchester 250. Weigel’s past roles include chair of the History and Interdisciplinary Departments at The Shipley School and board member of the Historical Society Serving Sleepy Hollow & Tarrytown. Weigel is on a number of Westchester boards including the Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters, presents and publishes articles on Westchester County history, and guides walking tours for NY State’s Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation as well as The Historical Society.

Tickets to the virtual broadcast are free and open to the public, but registration is required. Register at This program is sponsored by the Friends of Philipse Manor Hall and Tompkins Bank.

And a new exhibition by Revolutionary Westchester 250, “Treason of the Blackest Dye, the True Story of Arnold, André, and the Three Honest Militiamen will be on display at The Pocantico Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, September 25, 2024 through December 11, 2024. Nearly 250 years later, the very papers carried in Major André’s boot will return to Tarrytown for the first time.

The exhibition Treason of the Blackest Dye tells the story of Benedict Arnold’s betrayal and the remarkable capture of Major André. It will feature the rarely seen original documents, loaned by The New York State Archives, as well as the original Fidelity Medal awarded by Congress to Isaac Van Wart, buttons from the Hessian coat worn by John Paulding, the original Orderly Book with “Treason of the Blackest Dye” written boldly across its pages, and costumes and original cast photos from the AMC Series Turn: Washington’s Spies. Treason of the Blackest Dye is open to the public every Wednesday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., from September 25 through December 11, 2024.

Some original items, including the boot papers, will be replaced with exact facsimiles after opening day for the duration of the exhibit.