A surprise luncheon for Rev. Willa Mae King was organized by Arthur Melendez Jr, Asst Director at Brooks Memorial Home. She was led into the Nepperhan Community Center by her long time friend Rev. Golden Taylor to rousing cheers from friends and family.
Willa Mae King was born in New Hall West Virginia on June 6, 1933, the fourth of six children to Willie Blackwell and Catherine (Brown) Blackwell. She was named after her father, Willie Blackwell, a Coal Miner. She is a descendent of the Brown Family Reunion, where she inherited rich legacy of faith, family unity and character.
Willa Mae grew up in Landgraff, West Virginia, and attended the local schools. She graduated from Kimball High School, where she completed her education in Clerical & Office Administration. She obtained her first employment opportunity with Prunty Trade & Technical School as a Secretary. Willa Mae grew up in the Winfield Baptist Church where she was active in the Youth Choir, Youth Missionary Department, and represented the Church in associations.
In 1952, Willa Mae King was united in marriage to the late Rev. James Arthur Mack Sr., to which this union produced her first two children, James Arthur Mack, Jr., (“Skipper”), and Linda Cecilia Mack. In the early 1960’s, Willa Mae King relocated to Yonkers, New York. She married the late Robert King, Sr. To this union, Douglas Anthony King, and Michael Ellis King was born.
She joined the Community Memorial (CME) Baptist Church under the Rev. Dr. Luther Evans. She served in many capaClties over 28 years, such as Community Youth Director, Financial Secretary, Choir Member, Sunday School Teacher, and Associate Minister.
Answering the Call to the Gospel Ministry in 1973, she was ordained in 1973. Rev. King further prepared for the Ministry by attending the Manhattan Bible Institute in New York City, completing her Bachelor’s Degree in Theology.
In 1993, Rev. Willa Mae King became a member of the Mount Carmel Baptist Church under the pastorate of the Late Rev. Willie H. Upshaw. In this Ministry she served as Associate Minister, Teacher of Sunday School, Youth Bible Class Teacher, Spiritual Advisor of the Youth Ministry, Choir Member and Noon Day Prayer Leader.
Rev. King also taught Evangelism at Christian Love Tabernacle School of The Bible for over ten years, as was active in the C.L.T. Prison Ministry.
Rev. King has been the recipient of numerous proclamations, certificates and award recognitions for her work in the Ministry as well as her Community Service. (Women of Achievement Award, Valued Teacher Award, Humanitarian Award, from Bondage to Freedom Prison ward, and the Rosa Parks Community Award). Most recently, Rev. King was named “Spiritual Advisor” for The Nubian Brothers of Yonkers.
Rev. Willa Mae King retired on February 29, 2008 from Shinda Management Corp. at Whitney Young Manor, where she served for over 26 years as Assistant Manager.
Rev. King is the Mother of 4, (1 deceased son), grandmother of 10, and great grandmother of 13.
Rev. King has a great love for God, Family and The Ministry of The Gospel. As she states “ If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain”.
Congratulations on your retirement and thank your for your service to the people of Yonkers, God Bless!