Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts and the family of ALS Ice Bucket Challenge co-founder and late Yonkers native Pat Quinn announced the 2023 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has been set for Saturday, Aug. 5.
The annual event will once again take place trackside at Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts. Festivities will begin at 1 p.m. with the ice bucket dump scheduled for 2 p.m. Participants should pre-register online at YonkersNY.gov/IBC.
The event, co-founded by Quinn after his diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in 2013 at the age of 29, became a global phenomenon in 2014 as millions of people around the world participated in the challenge via social media. The event continues to remain a catalyst for raising funds to support research to identify a cure for the debilitating disease.
ALS, often referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease,” is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Quinn lost his battle with ALS in November 2020, yet his drive and determination live on through his family, friends, community and beyond to raise awareness and find a cure for the approximately hundreds of thousands of Americans who currently suffer from the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 5,000 individuals are newly diagnosed with ALS annually across the U.S. Quinn had the opportunity after his diagnosis to move out-of-state into a home that could better accommodate his needs, but instead chose to stay “Yonkers Strong” which in turn helped spark his passion to give back to his community and country by supporting other ALS patients and families.
Leading the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for another year is Quinn’s father, Patrick Quinn Sr., who continues to pay tribute to his son and ensure his mission continues. Hosting a variety of fundraising events throughout the year, Quinn’s nonprofit organization, Quinn for the Win Find Your Smile Foundation, continues to have significant impact at both local and national levels.
“I’m so grateful for the continued support of Mayor Mike Spano, Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts, and community members from Yonkers and far beyond who continue to fight onwards toward a cure,” said Patrick Quinn Sr. “The community that Pat has built to support this effort and his Quinn for the Win — Find Your Smile Foundation is nothing short of remarkable. Pat laid the groundwork to find a cure, and now it’s our job to finish his mission and find a cure to defeat ALS once and for all. I look forward to seeing everyone on August 5th.”
ALS Ice Bucket challenges have also significantly increased the awareness of this deadly disease globally. According to the ALS Association, more than $2 million has been invested into the development of a new drug, Relyvrio, that was recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help slow down the effects of ALS. Approximately 130 research projects are being funded in 12 countries around the world thanks to Quinn’s efforts.
“The City of Yonkers is proud to carry the legacy of Pat Quinn,” said Mayor Spano. “Every year, I witness the inspirational show of love for Pat and others who are living with ALS. Because of Pat, there is greater hope and we can’t stop now. We are in this every August until we find a cure with our partners at Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts.”

Pat Quinn