Yes, with Halloween and fall on the scene there is an abundance of pumpkins. And their prices are not as crazy as everything else at the market.
Pumpkin pasta sauce. That vomit looking delicacy is not new to our stores but I wonder what kind of person would buy it. And the fall flavored ciders. Oh well that is not too bad. But pumpkin Ramen Noodles in a cup. Not on my agenda.
It seems as if these products come out earlier and earlier each year. They can’t get the brand of cat food my sister needs for her cat But there is a giant display of pumpkin products on the shelves. Who buys these things. Better yet who eats them? Add pumpkin coffee to the list.
And these pumpkin products are the first thing on the shelves in August and heavily discounted come December. Stores seem to move these products around the store trying to sell them But they end up heavily discounted. So my point is why bring the products into the stores in the first place?
Why not Carve a pumpkin. Roast the seeds, do it day before so it is fresh. Cook the pumpkin and put it through a foley mill. Do it the old fashioned way and make pumpkin bread or muffins
Do you know what foley a mill is? Introduced as an “ingenious device” by the Foley Manufacturing Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota in the 1920’s to “ busy homemakers”, the Foley food mill does it all: straining, mashing and pureeing, all without the labor of peeling. Cook apples and makes applesauce with the mill. Takes skin off and separates from seeds. And purée fruit or vegetables.
With pumpkin it’s the same as cucumbers and tomatoes. If seeds are inside it is a fruit. If they are out it is a vegetable. For peats sake No canned pumpkin! there are plenty of fresh Pumpkins for cooking. The can takes all the fun out of it.
In my house we save the pumpkin for Thanksgiving. And I like a pumpkin pie that doesn’t taste ‘pumpkinney..’. At most of Thanksgiving dinners there are plenty of desserts. You think of Thanksgiving as the time when pumpkins are the dessert treat. But my experience is that apple pie is the king of Thanksgiving desserts. What’s it like in your house?
When I went to go candy shopping I noticed the crazy high prices of Halloween candy this year. And unlike past Halloweens even on the day of the holiday there was still a lot of candy on the shelves. I think each year fewer and fewer people are going trick or treating and buying less expensive candy. They go tricking or treating in their neighborhood out of safety concerns and go only to homes of people they know. You have to be careful with all the crazy people out there. Thankfully I didn’t hear of any tragic events this year.
My apartment is hidden from the street so from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. I had no trick or treaters. But at 4:00 p.m. there were plenty of adults dressed up with children flowing through the streets of Yonkers. Since I grew up in an apartment building I have learned that the best place to go trick or treating in Yonkers is in an apartment building where you can hit many apartments quickly inside with a roof over your head when it it rains.
With the cold weather on its way, what better time to adopt an animal. And we have wonderful Shelters in Yonkers and New Rochelle that have plenty of animals to chose from. And don’t believe the myths about Black cats. My sister has had various black cats since 1973 and each one has brought her good luck. Her current cat is a black cat, Sidney named after my father in honor of his sweet disposition and big belly.
I noticed many supermarkets having Black Friday sales already. Everybody is rushing things. This takes away something from getting on line at midnight on Black Friday with a thousand other people with the hope of getting that TV or kitchen appliance. Somehow there is a bit of fun in the annual push and shove to get That magical 60 inch television set. Hopefully the early Black Friday sales will slow down the craziness of the actual Black Friday.
The holidays are here. Black Fridays ads for the actual Black Friday will soon be posted. I know all this early shopping is a boost to the economy. Shop early and often!
Vote Early and Often: With Halloween over our next ‘holiday’ is Election Day. I don’t think we will have the voter intimidation they have in the south. If we do because of the close race on the top of the ticket, stand your ground or email me and I will come to your rescue.
Voting in our area has taken on a level of importance due to one candidate at the top of the ticket who believes in choice and another candidate who believes in the Supreme Court ruling returning the issue of women’s right to the states. There are many close races throughout country. Womens rights, the Economy, Violence, crime, , climate change, pandemic recovery and health care are the issues before us.
Don’t forget to look at back of ballot for propositions on the environment. Voting is a privilege that many in our world don’t have so take advantage of it. And if you feel a certain way about an issue whether it be abortion or crime make sure you vote for the candidate who agrees with your position. And encourage your friends no matter where in the country they live to seek out candidates on the same wave length as you.
Late breaking Item: A study has come out from a prestigious university that says Cursing is good for you. Not all day long but in those moments of frustration. Use it carefully but and in proper company!
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show alternating Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, WVOX.com click listen or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.