Description: If for you as a student it’s hard to decide between face-to-face and online education, read the article and choose what is the best for you.
The traditional face-to-face classes and education, of course, have pros and cons, have their “followers and hatters”, and it looks like it will never be possible to find the golden mean. Let’s consider all the negatives and positives so that students can make their own choice.
Safety of students and teachers
Covid-19 has affected all areas of our lives, made us think about concepts like “social distancing”, and helped us prioritize correctly, putting our health and safety first. People have begun to realize that if you are feeling slightly unwell or sneezing, then it is better to stay at home and not go to work or school. During face-to-face classes, the risk that you can get sick increases significantly because when you study online, you do not have personal contact. In addition, you still need to get to class, and if you do not own a car, then the number of people with whom you interact becomes even greater. At the same time, you cannot be one hundred percent sure that a person has been vaccinated and that he is also conscious of his health as you are.
Direct contact with teachers
If from the point of view of the risks of getting sick, this is an opposing point of face-to-face classes, then from the point of view of the learning process, for most students, this is the most important positive point. Many people are still more comfortable talking to another person directly rather than through a computer screen. Some people feel more involved in the learning process this way. During the lesson, you can always raise your hand if you have a question, and the teacher will notice it more quickly. It’s easier to get his attention that way than when there are dozens of photographs or images of students on the screen in front of his eyes and when it’s hard to understand who exactly wants to ask a question.
Internet and gadgets
Of course, the modern education process cannot be imagined without modern technologies, the Internet, and the use of various gadgets. But one of the most basic positive aspects of face-to-face classes is that if for some reason you have no Internet at the moment, or you have given your computer for repair for a couple of days, you will not miss classes. You will be able to attend the lecture and write in your notebook, and then go to the library and find all the missing information.
Written works
You will write a lot regardless of the form of study; however, when studying online, the number of written assignments increases, as this is a fairly effective way to check how students understood the material covered. When you attend face-to-face classes, the teacher can ask you a couple of questions, and it will already become clear to him how well you understand the topic, and you do not need to write a voluminous essay. In any case, if students experience difficulties in completing such assignments, they can always turn to professional writing services, such as writepaperfor.me, for help. You will receive competent work in the time you need and will not worry that you will not be able to cope with some tasks of the teacher. On the other hand, you can also search for free essays and use the example to write an essay using the existing example.
High price
At the moment, there are a huge number of online platforms, sites, and individuals who offer their own training courses, lectures, and seminars. Some universities and colleges also offer an online study program. And many students prefer them because face-to-face education is quite expensive. If you, for example, want to hold a seminar online, you just need to advertise on your page on social networks and decide on the platform on which this seminar will be held, be it Google Meets or Skype. If you want to organize a seminar offline, then your expenses will increase significantly; you will need not only good Internet, you will need to find and rent a room on the right date, you will need to organize a coffee break area, you will need to take into account all possible restrictions and conditions for holding mass events. And people who could just connect online and spend money just on the course fee will also have to spend money to get to the venue, which may be another city or even a state.
Lack of flexibility
The negative point of attending face-to-face classes is that the training schedule is more rigid, and you cannot influence it. In the case of online learning, students usually express their wishes regarding the days of classes, time, and frequency. When you go to university or college, you have to accept what the school offers you.
It’s easy to focus when having face-to-face classes
Those who struggle to stay focused for sure should choose face-to-face classes because if it’s hard for you to concentrate on your laptop and you are more interested in checking your accounts on social media, then sitting in front of the teacher is a better option for you. If you lack discipline and motivation to study online, then for sure, you should consider going to classes offline. In such a way you will get more benefits from your studies.