President Obama Gives “Shoutout”to Yonkers MBK Program

Former President Barack Obama listens to YPS Superintendent Dr. Edwin Quezada, left, speak about the success of Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative in Yonkers, in 2020

On May 10, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, a program of the Obama Foundation, announced that Yonkers, New York is one of four MBK Model Communities, a new initiative that seeks to expand the implementation of evidence-based practices and impact for communities across the country. Yonkers was selected from a network of hundreds of cities that have an evidence-based track record of success in positively shifting outcomes for boys and young men of color. Each MBK Model Community represents a tangible example of the systems-level impact that communities can have when working to achieve the MBK Milestones. The MBK Milestones are six key life milestones that research shows are especially predictive of later success, and where interventions can have the greatest impact. Yonkers Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Quezada joined President Obama onstage at an MBK Impact in Action convening to share the city’s efforts to improve high school graduation rates for students of color

“It’s being intentional about our work to change outcomes for young men of color,” said Dr. Edwin M. Quezada. “Graduating from high school is one of their most important milestones. Their diploma is the key that opens doors to opportunities for whatever our young people of color can dream. Success must
be part of their life experience. In partnership with the MBK Alliance this is a reality in our learning community. Ninety percent (90%) of our young men of color graduate on time. We work tirelessly so that our young men know they are valued, accepted, respected, cared for, and loved. In Yonkers, we are My
Brother’s Keeper.”

“I accepted the challenge knowing the potential our students had,” said Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano. “Our Yonkers School District has the highest graduation rate among New York State’s big cities. Our students are motivated and committed to this initiative and have turned it into a movement. I am so proud our great City has been chosen as an MBK Model Community because of our commitment and dedication to improving the lives of young men of color and helping them rise and become solid leaders in our community and for the next generation. We know this designation will make us a model for other urban
districts and we look forward to continuing our partnership with the Obama Foundation’s My Brother’s Keeper Alliance for years to come.”

“In 2014, in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death, I challenged every community in the country to implement strategies to help boys and young men of color,” said President Obama. “Today, I’m proud to see the incredible impact My Brother’s Keeper Alliance communities are having – helping hundreds of
community leaders across the country solve problems for the next generation.

“Thanks to the tireless eff orts of MBK communities, cities like Yonkers have changed the odds – creating opportunities for our young people to achieve their full potential. The MBK Model Communities initiative represents the next phase of the MBK Alliance’s work to help communities take on their biggest
challenges – and I look forward to continuing this work alongside them for years to come.”

“As we strive to build safe and supportive communities for boys and young men of color across the country, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance is proud to recognize Yonkers as an MBK Model Community,” said Dr. Adren Wilson, MBK Alliance Executive Director. “Yonkers has demonstrated a commitment to
Milestone Three: Graduate from High School, achieving the highest high school graduation rate for young people of color in the state of New York. By providing direct coaching, peer-to-peer learning, fi nancial resources, and evaluation support, the MBK Alliance is confi dent that Yonkers will continue to serve as
a beacon of hope and best practices for other communities to follow. Together, we can ensure our boys and young men of color have access to the opportunities they need, including the opportunity to graduate from high school with the skills and tools needed to advance to postsecondary education or training.”