Remembering Larry Schwartz from Westchester

“Why in heaven’s name was Larry Schwartz ever given the job of COVID Czar for New York State? said one Westchester elected official we called on Monday March 15. “Larry goes was back to the Andy Spano days in Westchester, and he had nine political lives, but point blank, he was on the phone twisting arms to have County Executives stay on the Governor’s side, that’s what he does best. He is a poltiical Thug, and he was calling to take a Loyalty Test.”
If you haven’t heard the story, Larry Schwartz, special aide to Governor Andrew Cuomo, was caught calling County Executives across New York State “gauging” support for Cuomo. Schwartz is also the point person who determines what NY County gets how many COVID vacccines. One of the recipients of Schwartz’s foolish calls ratted him out and called the NY Attorney General Tish James, office of integirty.
The timing of the phone calls from Schwartz could not have been worse. To say that the heat is on Cuomo to resign is an understatement, and the only two people standing in between former Governor Cuomo is President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The news of Larry Schwartz’s Thugery made it across the country and was reported on by the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and of course the New York Times, NY Post and all of the local papers. It is that BIG a story.
But those of us who have covered Westchester poltiics and government remember Larry Schwartz and all of his nonsense, threats, cursing at other elected officials, and yes he had to leave the employment of Governor Andrew Cuomo once before.
But first, to Washington DC, where a phone call from the President could end this all, and put all of us New Yorkers out of the misery of watching the about to be deposed King Cuomo clinging on. Asked about reports over the weekend that Cuomo’s longtime ally and Covid “czar,” Larry Schwartz, was pressing county executives on their loyalty to the governor, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, “We were concerned, of course, about the reports of this inappropriate behavior..New developments seem to happen every day. … We find them troubling. The president finds them troubling.”
One county executive, who remained anonymous, told the NY Times that Schwartz had discussed the governor’s political situation, and then pivoted to talk about vaccine distribution.
County Executive George Latimer, who knows Schwartz from his time in Westchester as Deputy County Executive, was also contacted but told the Journal News, “It was not a long, drawn-out conversation, and when I finished with him, I didn’t think it was an untoward conversation. But I recognize that he’s supportive of the governor and he’s polling. He’s trying to see where we are at.”
Republican Dutchess County Exec. Marc Molinaro said “There just can be no blurring of this line, and clearly they overstepped, and added that the calls to others had “a chilling effect,” on those who dared to speak out against Cuomo.
While some people came to Schwartz’s defense, others who remember Larry when he was Deputy County Executive under Andy Spano and then worked as the Secrtary to Governoer Andrew Cuomo, said “this is what Larry does. He calls peoople and feels them out. If he doesn’t like what he hears, then you will get punished, either by having Larry curse you out on the phone, or some other way.”
In 2013, Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed The Moreland Commission-Governor Cuomo to look into corruption. Once the commission, which Cuomo promised would be independent, began to issue supboenas, in came Larry Schwatz with one of his infamous phone calls. “This is wrong,, pull it (subpoenas) back,” Schwartz allegedly said in a story by the NY Times. Schwartz had to step down from his position in 2014 and had not returned until Cuomo brought him back to help in a volunteer capacity with COVID.
Two questions that inquiring minds want to know. Who was the County Executive that called the Attorney General after getting the call from Schwartz? And were Schwartz’s actions a crime?