By Dan Murphy
The tone of the Lakeland Board of Education meeting on Feb. 17 was not the same as it was one week prior, when angry residents taunted Superintendent Dr. Karen Gagliardi, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Tracey Norman, and School Board President Adam Kaufman all bore the brunt of comments more fit for a Saloon than a school board meeting.
Once the word got out about what had happened and what was said, with Gagliardi called “n**** lover” Norman called an “uncle tom” and “how very German of you,” shouted at Kaufman when he tried to get order back. But the lunatic fringe of Lakeland parents and taxpayers said, “This isn’t Harlem,” and who “is paying for all of the immigrant children to attend our schools,” and “The way you end racism is you stop talking about it!”
Several speakers were removed from the podium by security, and eventually, Yorktown Police arrived to escort some from the meeting. According to one of the speakers at the Feb. 17 meeting, Police are investigating the slurs against Gaglliardi, and whether those comments extended into someone following her home after the meeting.
But the vast majority of parents and students who support Dr. Gagliardi and her proposed inclusion programming came out to the board meeting on Feb. 17 to overflow those affiliated with Save Our Schools with decency, intelligent thought and a wilingness to learn.
Last week’s meeting resulted in Congressman Jamaal Bowman attending the Feb. 17 meeting. Rep. Bowman attended the meeting along with a group of other community leaders and activists to stand up against the hate and unequivocally denounce the use of any racial slurs.

The public display of hateful and racist rhetoric during last week’s board meeting is a reminder of how racism and hate continue to threaten our democracy, and we must come together to uproot it and show that we refuse to regress as a society.
“As not only a former teacher and principal with over 20 years of experience but a Black father to three children, it pains me to see a situation like this, especially in our schools – a place that is supposed to serve as a safe haven for our kids. The pain that the victims of this vile hatred experienced and the loss of safety and respect is troubling.
“We are supposed to be protecting, loving, and most importantly educating our kids. But when division is sown and hate is spewed, the people who end up losing the most are our kids. We must be united in our love and commitment to our children and their education.
“Last week, a handful of people tried to take us several steps back into a world where people of color, especially Black students, had to live in fear and experience harassment simply for seeking an education. But today, I am proud to stand in solidarity with the parents, teachers, school board members, unions, and community leaders who will attend today’s board meeting to stand up against this hate.
“Our children are watching our behavior as adults, and how we respond to hate and racism. Let’s show them that we are going to stand up against it in love, faith, and community,” said Bowman in a statement.
Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater also attended the Feb. 17 meeting and issued a statment which read, “I have spoken to Lakeland School Officials about their school board meeting last week and find the actions and words used by some in attendance to be abhorrent. We are blessed to live in a country that protects and encourages passionate debate but racist and hate filled remarks are a stain on our community. Hate has no home here in Yorktown and we must stamp it out every time it raises its wicked head.“
Some of the speakers questioned whether the slurs against Gagliardi, Norman and Kaufman actually happened and if they can be proved. The President of the Lakeland Federation of Teachers, Michael Lillis, wrote a letter to his members which was posted and shared, which stated “At the end of the meeting – when Dr. Norman and Dr. Gagliardi were leaving – members of the audience outrageously abused them by hurling racial epithets. It pains me to write this, but sunlight is the best antiseptic. Dr. Norman was called “uncle Tom” and Dr. Gagliardi was called a “n****r lover.” In addition to these despicable comments, Dr. Gagliardi had to call the police on her way home as she was being followed to her home.”
90% of the speakers at the Feb. 17 meeting, made up of students, parents, teachers, and residents, supported the efforts of the school district against racism and in favor of Gagliardi’s inclusion program.
We will compile a summary of the comments made against hate at the meeting and report back.
The story now turns to who it was that made the wreckless and racist comments at the Feb. 10 meeting, and to see who if anyone went beyond making comments at a school board meeting to threatening the Superintendent and following her home.