Playland Closed for the Summer, County Pools Open

enjoy one of the County pools that are open this summer

With the health of Westchester residents and regional visitors on the top of everyone’s mind amid the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the difficulties of social distancing and sanitizing in a crowded park, Westchester County Executive George Latimer has announced that the amusement park at Playland Park in Rye will remain closed for the 2020 season.
Playland’s beach is open to Westchester residents, Tuesdays through Sundays. The pool is closed.
Latimer said: “As we’ve gone through the spread of the contagion and we started going through phase 1, and phase 2, and phase 3 – which is what we’re in now, there was not enough significant improvement to justify what happens when 8,000 people go to one place at one time. It’s analogous to what we face at the Kensico Dam Plaza with the ethnic festivals. So with that thought in mind, we delayed this decision. We lost Memorial Day Weekend as a revenue, we announced originally that it would stay closed to mid-July hoping that things would get better and knowing that the Governor’s Executive Order still kept in closed, but you know if things got better we’d reach out and make a case for why it should open, but realistically we’re at a point right now where we couldn’t make that case any further.”
The park’s regular season opening would have been May 9 this year. Aside from the public-health concerns, the park faced other factors that impeded preparations for the season, including restrictions on in-person hiring and training due to NYS on PAUSE guidelines and supply-chain interruptions early on.
While the amusement park, pool and other attractions will be closed to the public this year, this pause in operations during the warm weather also gives park management and staff an opportunity to advance some maintenance projects. These projects are addition to staff’s regular duties of maintaining each ride as the attractions cannot sit idle for long periods. Maintenance will also include the usual seasonal breakdown and winterization of rides and grounds.
The park will host two drive-in movies this year on Friday nights, July 24 and August 7. Details to be announced soon. For information about Playland go to

This summer, Westchester County will be opening four public pools. On Friday, July 3 the County will open Willson’s Woods Pool in Mount Vernon, and Tibbetts Brook Pool in Yonkers. Last Friday, June 26 the County opened Saxon Woods Pool in White Plains and Sprain Ridge Pool in Yonkers. All will be open to Westchester County residents with some slight modifications to help ensure safety in the wake of COVID-19.

Modifications include:
· No Aqua Playground at Saxon Woods Pool
· No Aqua Splash Pad at Sprain Ridge Pool
· No Waves in the Wave Pool or Aqua Playground/Splash Pad at Willson’s Woods Pool
· No Lazy River Tubes, Aqua Playground, Water Slides or Basketball Court at Tibbetts Brook Park Pool.

To further ensure safety, the pools will follow New York State and Westchester County Department of Health regulations of 50% maximum occupancy. The pools will be first come first serve entry with two public pool sessions throughout the day.

· Open Session 1: 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

· Clean/Disinfect: 2 p.m.-3 p.m.

· Open Session 2: 3 p.m.-6 p.m.

· Clean/Disinfect: 6 p.m.-7 p.m.When Session 1 tickets are sold out, Session 2 tickets will go on sale to remaining patrons. When session 2 ticket are sold out no more tickets will be sold for that day. No rainchecks, re-entry or refunds. Westchester

County Department of Public Safety and Parks staff will posted at entrances informing guests if session is sold out prior to parking. Also, Parks staff will make announcement every half hour reminding guests to use all proper social distancing guidelines and guests must wear a mask or face covering anytime they are closer than 6’ from any other guest. Masks will be required to enter restrooms.
This summer the County will not be opening Playland Pool. Based on NYS guidelines, swimming pools must be closed if they are near a beach front. During this time, the County will be exploring how quickly renovations to the pool can be completed with the hope that it will be able to open in June 2021. This exact timeline is not yet known.
The Westchester County Health Department advises residents to keep the following sun safety tips in mind over the holiday weekend, and throughout the summer:
· Studies have shown that it only takes a few serious sunburns to increase your risk of skin cancer later in life. Use sunscreen and use it correctly when spending time outdoors.
· Always use a sunscreen with a SPF of 15 or higher that provides both UVA and UVB protection.
· Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin, 20 minutes before you are in the sun. Remember to apply to ears, top of feet and back of your hands.
· If using an insect repellant, apply the sunscreen first.
· You can be exposed to UV rays even on cloudy days, so continue to apply sunscreen.
· Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours and after swimming, sweating or toweling off.
· During COVID-19 – enjoy the pool and other outdoor summer activities, but remember to social distance and wear a mask whenever you are unable to stay at least six feet away from other people.
· Bring extra masks to the pool in case masks get wet.